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The two walked back to the South Wings' hallways which were now full of half awake students. There were still that few still lost in their stupor among the heavy lot which bustled around in a rush.

A day had passed since they had eavesdropped on a conversation, and walked in on a rather unpleasant sight Shadi refused to speak of. It was now late at 9:30am and she had her head buried in a map, looking for the cafeteria.

Melanie had left a few minutes earlier, saying she had to meet up with someone named Ryan.

After a while of wandering she turned to take a break when someone bumped into her. Shadi gave a quiet apology and moved to grab her phone which had fallen to the floor, when the person grabbed her arm and pulled her up straight.

"Watch where you're going you idiot!", she hissed. The girl she identified as Chloe popped up out of no where, a beaming smile that looked somewhat evil on her face.

She held something in her hands behind her back. Shadi tried her best to ignore her suspicious behavior and was about to speak when the other girl beat her to it. "Come on Chloe, lets get going."

"Wait!", Shadi called out. "Which is the fastest route to the cafeteria?", she asked. The girl smirked to Chloe and then turned back to Shadi, a beaming smile on her face.

"Go through the East Wing and make an exit left. You'll find yourself by a big vase near a cobblestone path. Follow that path until you enter the West Wing. The cafeteria is the last door in the first hallway. Okay, bye!!!!"

Shadi watched in confusion as the two walked away in the opposite direction. Everyone else seemed to walk in the same direction as them. She also wondered why it was faster to go through the East Wing to the West when the two were opposite each other.

She moved to pick up her phone which was no longer on the ground. Realization dawned on her, which was when her anger came. Anger which brought a flashback.


A fourteen year old Shadi walked down the hallway, a quiet smile on her lips she kept hidden. They never liked seeing her happy. But today she would prove them all wrong, her teacher for calling her lazy, her classmates for calling her stupid, and him for calling her useless.

She had come up with a plan today. A plan that wasnt just great, but it was brilliant. She came to school as usual, her dad dropped her off at the gate and drove away. Only she didn't go into the school this time, no. She walked to the doors, like she usually would, only waiting til her dad turned the corner.

Once he did, she ran, and ran and ran. She ran back home and for the first time since that dreaded day two years back, she made herself breakfast. She sat before the food, licking her lips in anticipation.

Her stomach growled at the sight. On the plate were three warm slices of toast with melted butter, three slices of cut avocados,warm runny eggs and three crispy strips of bacon with a nice cold juice on the side.

Shadi savoured each and every bite, moaning in delight every now and then. Her stomach was filled with delicious food and juice she had washed down with.

She fetched her project which she had intentionally left on her room and began her leisure stroll to school. First period would be over soon and if she was right she would be the first one in class.

And for once she was right. She waited for the bell right outside the door and when it did, she entered the classroom. Her teacher looked up in shock, expecting to see another teacher but finding her in the doorway, project in hand.

Shadi set her project on an empty desk and moved on to her seat in the back.


Shadi remembered that day as one of her worst. Some idiot-Neo- told her teacher that she had stolen it from him conveniently before he could write his name.

What angered her the most, was the fact that her teacher hadn't even given her the chance to prove her innocence. She didn't deny that she wasnt the best of students, but that wasnt any excuse.

The whole class taken to laughing at her that when her principal actually gave her the chance, she had given up already and just kept silent.

She shook her head sadly as she came back to her current. She walked on slowly without realizing that she was late. After a couple of wrong turns she finally found the cafeteria.

A deserted and empty cafeteria to be exact. She grabbed a vanilla muffin and an apple juicybox and made her way to the north wing. All set for her first class, she took a breath and pushed open the door...

Only to come face to face with her instructor. "Em... Hi. My name is-", she began when she was cut off.

"I dont care who you are. You are late and tardiness in my class is not tolerated. Perhaps next time you won't come twenty minutes into my lesson."

Shadi looked over her shoulder and saw the same two girls that had directed her snickering while pointing at her. One of them looked at her and smirked-the mean one she noticed.

Shadi looked down at her feet dejectedly before staring at them with a hard gaze, making sure to display her dislike for the two. It was then that she was pushed from behind by a slightly muscular frame belonging to the very person she hated.

And she watched as he was let in as the door closed on her. But she did not miss the conceited smirk thrown her way by him.


Hey hey hey!

I dont really know what to say so Imma just leave it here. We are so close to chapter ten. First time🤗

Lots of lemon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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