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Shadi pushed the door open and entered the room. It had taken her a few wrong turns but she had finally found room B7. Her dorm room. After her encounter with a certain someone, all she wanted to do was sleep.

The door creaked into the dark room and she immediately got the horror movie vibe. Shaking her nerves away, she ran her hands along the wall looking for a light switch.

She took a step and felt her foot catch air before she fell to the ground. The lights flickered on as she grunted in pain. Her eyes shut tight, the lights momentarily blinding her.

Slowly she peeled her lids open and saw a girl, standing above her with a hairdryer. "Wha.. What are you doing?", Shadi asked. The girl looked at her as if she was dumb.

"I should ask you the same thing. Why did you break into my room?", the girl asked. Shadi moved to get up when the girl placed her foot on her chest.

She rolled her eyes and propped her elbows up. She looked around the room, her eyes narrowing at the light switch on the other side of the room. "Why in the world, would you put the light switch that far from the door?"

She shrugged and then glared at her, remembering what was happening. Shadi rolled her eyes at her."Look, I didn't break into your room okay? Now can I please get up?"

Relunctantly, the girl nodded and removed her foot. Shadi sighed and stood, and then began to dust herself. "Even if I did, what were you hoping to do with your hairdryer?"

The girl's face turned a crimson red and she looked away, embarrassed. Fighting a smile, she hauled over her things and spoke. "Don't sweat it. So... Which bed is mine?"

The girl looked up, surprise sprawled all over her face. "You're my roommate?" Shadi's defences came sky-high in seconds. "Yeah.", she said keeping her voice even.

"Is there a problem with that?", she asked. Realization dawned on the girl at what Shadi was implying and quickly, she stepped back and raised her arms.

"No! Nonononononononononono no. There isn't a problem. I don't have a problem. We dont have a problem."

Shadi raised an eyebrow. The girl looked panicked before she spoke. "My name's Melanie. Melanie Parks." She looked to the ground again, shuffling on her feet.

There was silence before Shadi decided to speak. " Shadi. Shadi Ratong. Now, where's my bed?"


It was now seven and the two were walking the quiet hallways, the steps being the only thing heard beside Melanie's soft groans at the ungodly hour.

Shadi looked around, taking in her surroundings. The walls were an elegant beige prickled with portraits of old looking people that were probably dancers and former deans.

A dark brown spanned the floorboards throught the long passageway as the two girls walked in silence. They were headed for the East Wing to meet with Ms Reynolds in her office.

Shadi hoped that it would be a quick in and out checkup. Quick enough that she wouldn't have to see a particular person she had no intent on naming.

The bitter morning chill hit them as they left the confines of the South Wing and once aain, Shadi was made aware of the harsh differences between the two countries.

The two walked in silence, each not up off conversation as both their brains were barely awake. The warmth of the building greeted them as they entered.

From the map that Melanie had explained the East Wing held the Dean's, Ms Reynolds' and someone else's office, as well as a gathering hall. The West Wing a cafeteria, a large gym, the admin offices as well as the nurse's office.

It was apparently a very large school with two other wings that she failed to remember held. She noticed that the hallways were the same as in the living quarters.

As they were about to turn the corner into the hallway that held Ms. Reynolds' office, two soft voices made Shadi grab Melanie before she could be seen and pull her back.

As she covered Melanie's mouth with her hand, her brain worked to identify the two voices.

"Keep it down Chloe! Someone will hear us!"

The other voice giggled. "Whatever. No ones up at this time Kat. Hurry up would you, I need to sleep."

"Hold your horses, I just wanna see my points on the list."

"Why?", she asked exasperated."We all know you and Neo are at the top of the class. I dont understand why I have to be here."

"Oh quit whining. Its not a big deal okay, I just need to..."

A loud creak rang out over the not so hushed conversation. Cut off the two girls ran out the hallway, failing to see Shadi and Melanie in their haste.

Shadi tried to put aside what happened as she composed herself and entered the hall. She took a breath and pushed away at the twinge of annoyance she felt for being forced to be here and entered the room as she knocked.

The room looked exactly the same as it did the last time she were here. All except for the two bodies that seemed to be content without oxygen. The two broke apart as if the other were made of fire at the sound of the door opening.

Shadi hastily covered her eyes as she slowly backed out of the room, mumbling an apology. Once she was out she grabbed Melanie and pulled her with as she ran until they were a good space away from the offices.

And then she groaned. "Melanie, my eyes need bleach."



Wassup lovies? You have no idea how hard it was for me to write this. Just some typical normal writers block. If anyone is willing, pls. Feel free to buy me a laptop.

Its so hard to write on my phone. Not that Im not grateful. So yeah, that's the drama of my life besides me being stuck at my grandma's for five days longer and me wanting to go home and buy school stuff and uniform.

Yeah... That's pretty much it. Feel free to comment on the book-ya know.. Theories and conspiracies-(not that I dont have those because Pffft.. Right. I have those if that what you're wondering)

So yeah.. Peace to the out!😗

Lots of lemon

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