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'Mr. Alfonsi is actually Mr. Tapedi'. Sorry about that.


She stood frozen, powerless to stop the wave of memories flooding through her mind.


"Neo!", the little girl cried as she laughed running away from her best friend. She was winning and Neo wanted to eat her.

"Ahhhh!"."Hahahaha!". Neo pounced on her and growled."Grrrrr." She laughed at his poor attempt.

"Im not scared of you, you monster!", she exclaimed. She took a breath as she began a speech."I am brave, I am kind. I am a warrior prince..."

He cut her off and tickled her. She laughed and laughed and pushed him off. "Hey! How dare you interrupt me, warrior princess Shadi of Enchancia!" she mock glared.

He looked at her and then began laughing. "You... A warrior.. Princess? Hahahaha." He fell down and clutched his sides, still laughing.

"Hey!",she exclaimed, right before she joined him in his laughter.


Shadi couldn't believe it. After all these years. It was real. The father of her former best friend was in front of her, in the principal's office...and ..he was a principal.

She wanted to cry but she didnt, she couldn't, she wouldn't. His parents had left, thinking they were fine and still close. They thought she was heartbroken because her best friend was leaving.

And she was heartbroken, but for a completely different reason. Neo's laughter rang loud in her head, each time more intense than the last.

She couldn't do this, not now and especially not in front of his dad. That would be weak, pathetic, just like she was. She didn't know what lies Neo had spun to his parents, but she didn't doubt that it was bad.

But whatever lies he had spoken, they would have been better than the bitter truth she had to face.

Her throat tightened and she struggled to force the lump down. Her eyes were now watery and she knew she couldn't cry here, she would never forgive herself.

Recognition sparked in the man's eyes and Shadi knew she had to shut this down and get a grip. How would she react to seeing him if she couldn't handle his father.

"Can I get a water please.", she croaked before he could ask questions. He motioned for the chairs and went to get her a cup.

She quickly wiped a stray tear and composed herself. She took the cup as he handed it to her and sat, mumbling a quiet "Thank you."

She drank the water slowly, trying to push away at her rising panic. It would do her no good panicking. No. She just had to use her time wisely. Like thinking how she would deal with this whole situation she had on her hands.

Yes... It was a good idea, only, it was too late. Mr. Tapedi had already sat himself down and was waiting on her, an expectant look and irritation flashing in his eyes.

Shadi wanted to get away. She wanted to keep drinking water, prolonging what she knew to be the inevitable. Loud slurps then rang out.

Her eyes widened in horror to find that the glass was empty and she was now drinking air. Slowly, she looked up. Eyebrow raised, she could see the mild amusement shining through his eyes.

She looked back down, calming herself. Then, a deep voice rang through the quiet office. "Its good to see you again, Shadi."

She looked up and tried her level best to smile. It came as an awkward grimace. "Yeah.."she muttered, "I know." Shadi racked her brain for something to rid them of the awkward silence.

" So...", she began, "You're the principal.". Mr. Alfonsi chuckled." The dean, actually." She nodded awkwardly.

He cleared his throat and began. "Okay. Shadi, unfortunately I dont have much time or much to say. But I want to make sure you feel welcome here, so I will get someone else to help you out for a week or so, and then you'll report back to me on your experiences. But, really..."

He paused and gave her what looked like a sincere smile." It is good to see you again. We've missed you, honest." Shadi wanted to feel warmth in her chest and some feeling of welcome-ness.

But all she felt was a heavy awkwardness which seemed to thicken at her lack of response. Seeing this she nodded her head and stood, wanting to bolt out the doors.

Ignoring her want to tell him that she didn't want someone to help her nor did she wanna report back, she carried on. Wanting to escape the suffocating awkward atmosphere left behind in the office.

Once she closed the door behind her, she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and turned, only to come face to face with the one person she dreaded meeting.

In a frozen state she looked at him, with widened eyes. It was him, really. He was grown now and yet wore the same sneer he used to greet her with everyday, five years ago.

She swallowed hard as she met his harsh glare. "Hi Neo... Long time no see." And with that she fled the scene, deciding rather to take her chances alone and far away from the monster she used to call her best friend.

Dun Dun Dun!!!!

Hello!!!! Im back yall. In the spirit of the new year-not really pfft- here's an early update from yours truly. Happy merry Christmas new year✨all wrapped up in one😉

I am sorry for the long wait. Again, I will gladly state that I suck for that, but hey, you got to meet Neo and his dad. That should count for something right.

Also Im sorry for the short chapter too. Im just finding it hard to write, but I tried.

Lots of lemon

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