
15 1 0

She was warm and fine,all wrapped in her cocoon of comfort.She snuggled further into her blanket wishing to be one with it.

And then disaster struck. A fatal disaster that ended with a blanket that lay crumpled on the ground and an annoyed girl shivering on her bed.

"Really?", she asked. Her response came in the form of a grinning Julia.

"Wake up sleepyhead. Day's awaiting, clock is ticking."

Shadi mulled over whether or not to get out of bed. Her decision was made when she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

Satisfied, Julia began to walk away before she turned and said,"Be ready in fifteen."


Rubbing her eyes, Shadi walked into the kitchen in a matching set of black sweats and sat down at the island. Julia then pushed a bowl of cereal in front of her.

"I already ate",she said before checking the time on her watch."We're gonna be late, so eat up."

Shadi looked at the bowl and then up at her skeptically."Does this have poison?",she asked. Julia glared mockingly at her before shaking her head while smiling.

Shadi shruged and began to eat, speaking only after she had swallowed her first bite."Where are you going?"she asked.

Julia smiled as she spoke."We-", she corrected," are going to a festival across town." Shadi nodded and continued eating her breakfast as if she wasn't fazed by Julia's answer.

Julia on the other hand seemed shocked at the lack of expression by her new roommate. "You aren't going to ask any questions?", she asked.

By this time the bowl's contents had been emptied out and Shadi was on her phone. She set it down and stood to take the dish to the sink.

"Am I paying?",she asked. Julia shook her head no. "Will there be food?", and this time she nodded in the affirmative."Then let's go.", she said.

Julia smiled as she watched Shadi fetch her small brown side bag and walk out the apartment door.

Shadi stuck her head back into the apartment,"Well, aren't you coming?"


The drive was a two hour long okay one, filled with lots of selfies, jamming out sessions and a few stops. By the time they had arrived, a long que had formed at the entrance.

It had taken another hour for them to reach the front of the line. The person behind the glass looked up with a smile ready to greet new customers. A smile which froze as soon his gaze fell upon her.

You could tell it was taking all he had to not turn around and refuse to serve them. Shadi balled her fists as he saw him give her one that could barely be called a smile. It was more of a grimace.

Oblivious to what was happening, Julia smiled brightly her excitement put into it. "Hi...", she read his name tag,"Dave. Can we please have two tickets for two hours."

He smiled to Julia-a real smile- and said,"I can definitely give one to you-",he then turned to Shadi and sneered,"but I definitely won't give one to her. We don't serve your kind here."

Julia's face crumpled before it turned angry. "What's wrong with you?",she spat. Shadi put a hand on her shoulder, calming her only a bit.

And then turned on him. "Listen here Dave,", she sneered," you stupid,blind boy. You should be grateful you're on that side of the glass or else your snotty self would be laid flat on the ground and you'd be black like me, with some extra colouring too.

Now, give us those tickets and go buy some sense, they sell some at this place called school, maybe you'll be lucky and also get an education."

Everything was dead quiet as Dave saw how most of the crowd were shaking their heads at him, some more angry than others.

Strangely it wasn't the burly man behind these girls looking like he wanted to smash him that scared him, no, it was this average sized woman standing in front of him.

She then slammed the money on the desk,glaring at him darkly. Head held low, he gave them their tickets and change and watched as they tsked away.


"I am so sorry.", Julia cried. " This is all my fault. But why are people so..s-so cruel?" She burst out into tears again. And as they sat on a random bench Shadi stared distractedly at game booth.

She knew herself. At some random point her anger would come and she would be futile to stop it. She could just picture herself shouting and swearing,being a wreck as she destroyed everything.

She was a storm that even herself couldnt control. She pulled herself out if her thoughts. And in a balling mess was Julia, mumbling underneath her breath in between her sniffling and tears.

It was then that she pulled herself up. She wasn't going to wait for her anger afraid of the results. No. She was gonna have a damn good time without thinking about that useless Dave.

Yes. She looked down at Julia and extrnded her hand. She took it and she pulled her up. "So... Where to?", Shadi asked.

Julia wiped away the last of her tears and gave her a small smile before looking around. There were numerous booths, food stalls and a huge ferris wheel.

She grinned almost evilly, a silent agreement not to talk about what had just happened made. "First-", she said taking out a list to which Shadi's eyebrow raised to," we have the bumper cars!"

You could see the excitement gleaming in her eyes as they raced on to their numerous events. Their evening went by in a flash, filled with laughter and fun.

Soon enough they had slowed down and were headed to the big wheel. Once they were strapped in and checked the machine was turned on.

"So why'd you come to the states, not that I'm not glad you're here.", Julia asked.

"I'm enrolled in an academy here. The Regina Renolds Dance academy to be exact."

"Oh, so how come you're here and not there?"she asked.

"Classes only start in a week and i figured it was less expensive to pay an apartments rent than accommodation on premises since they charge extra for this week too."

Julia nodded as they began to pack up, ready to get home.


Greetings and salutations my friends.

Are we friends? I sure hope so👉👈.

Any who, im sorry about how long it took me to post chapter two. It's been a while man. Anyway who else doesn't like Dave?😂😂😂

I imagine his name being pronounced in that kinda stupid way. No offence to the Daves out there. I like yall, heck , I watch Alvin and the chipmunks. I just felt it would fit here.

If you would ,please vote, comment or follow me.

Lots of lemon

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