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Thanks to @joymoment for the Awesmazing covers she's made me. Please go check her books out.


The next few days passed by in a blur. They consisted of late mornings with coffee, Shadi hanging out with the siblings and going to the studio everyday.

Today was different however. She woke up at 5:00 to a chill cold different from back home. Pushing herself out of bed she took a shower and found herself a decent outfit. She wore a pair of light blue jeans,a simple black tee paired with a grey cardigan and some black converse.

Nodding at her reflection she moved on out and into the kitchen where she found Miles making some toast."Want some?",he asked.

She gave a distracted nod and went to join him, making some coffee for herself. They worked in silence as they moved around each other, both their minds still trying to rid themselves of sleep.

By the time Julia had entered, they were both sat on the couch, watching tv unbothered."Morning!", she beamed as she crossed over to them.

Miles gave a tired nod as Shadi turned to greet back. She smiled back at her,"Morning Julia. How'd you sleep?"

"Great, thanks.", she replied. "So... Are you going somewhere today?". Shadi couldn't help but notice that Julia looked somewhat worried, waiting for her answer.

She was about to reply in the affirmative but stopped herself. What would they think at her plan to go meet up with a stranger at his own house?

It sounded shady and ridiculous to her own ears, but there was something pushing her to go. That stupid card had been calling out to her each morning, each time saying,"What if?".

But she couldn't bring herself to lie to these two people. The very two people who had taken her in out of the goodness of their hearts. Her mind was made.

"Yeah. I'm planning on going somewhere."she finally replied. It shocked her to see Julia, in the very next moment, let out a breath and looking relieved.

Shadi was confused, but she brushed it off. Julia gave a small smile before she explained. "Sorry, ", she said very sheepishly, " I just didn't want you left alone here with Miles and I having a family arrangement."

Shadi nodded before she thought to herself, I can take care of myself you know. Moving on from the slightly stinging topic she waved goodbye to her two companions, rushing straight to her bedroom right after.

She paused at the pedestal. Opening it up and taking out the card, she sat down on her bed, pondering over whether or not to go.

It was then that her alarm rang. It was 8:25am. She had five minutes to get on the bus before it left. Hurriedly, she grabbed her duffle bag, phone and purse and began to run out, making sure she had locked the apartment.

Shadi was unaware of the card in her clenched hand as she ran down the street. She saw no one and nothing but that approaching blue bus only seconds away from stopping.

She felt the beginning of a smile. She had made it. She smiled as she paid for her ticket and went to sit down after she greeted the female bus driver.

Shadi found herself standing by a pole as the other passengers sat and stared at the untidy stranger before them. Not awkward at all, she thought.


It was now 9:00 and she was late. In front of her was a large, fancy looking building with concrete walls and huge glass windows.

The place was intimidating and she felt alone and vulnerable. She forced her legs forward , trying her very best to push away the feeling of lost belonging.

As she walked through the large doors, she was pulled into a busy street of people buzzing around. The crowd had led her to a large room with a friendly face staring back at her.

"Hi there.", the lady greeted. " Who are you if I might ask?". Shadi shuffled nervously on her feet as she scratched her arm.

"Hello," she said,"my name is Shadi. Im new and supposed to be in room B7?"

The unknown lady smiled and stood, coming near to Shadi. Shadi shifted and took a step back. The lady seemed to notice the small action but brushed it off as she continued to smile.

"Well, Im Ms. Reynolds, but you can just call me Dalia. Im the school therapist.". Shadi nodded at the information.

She continued,"The room you're looking for is down the hall, on the right."

" Thank you for your help Ms. Reynolds." Shadi began to walk out the room.

Ms. Reynolds smiles warmly at her before she called out to her." Shadi, please make sure to come by my office by the end of the week."

Shadi nodded and left the room, wondering why Ms Dalia would want to see her. Following the directions given to her she found the room she was looking for.

She gave a quick soft knock, waiting for a response from the other side of the room. A gruff,"Come in." was her signal and she opened the door, entering the room.

It was what you would expect of a typical principal's office. There was a big brown desk in the center of the room covered by organized papers and files.

Shelves filled with books covering the walls, a mahogany grandfather clock and a matching grey rug.

Behind the desk was an old man- around his forties- writing something down in the file in front of him. Shadi waited silently as he finished up.

She looked at the table. On it was name tag with the name, 'Mr. Alfonsi.' Shadi tried to remember where she had heard the name from before.

It was a very familiar name but the more she tried to put a face to it the more her mind drew up blank. She then looked up, waiting for him to finish.

He then looked up ."Morning." He motioned to the chairs in front of his desk. "Please, take a seat." Then it clicked.Eyes widened at the now familiar man before her Shadi stood frozen.


Sorry about the long wait for the update. I unfortunately have even more bad news for those of you who have been enjoying this book.

I will not be posting an update from now up until the second of January.
*sigh*.(yes... I know I suck) but.. I do have a reason. Two to be exact.

1: I am writing my final exams for my ninth year of school.(🔥yes. Ill be in grade 10 next year). I will be finisishing on the 30th of November.

Now the reason Im skipping December as a whole is because, I want to focus on myself,prepping for next year as well as writing in advance and getting this storyline right.
Reason 2: Its December, its hot and I'll be with my family for most of it😎

Like I said, I am awesomely lame. My sincerest apologies

Lots of lemon

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