Think Of The Devil

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As River laid in her bed, trying to recover from the torturing pain she just went through.

She woke up a few hours ago with no feeling in her body. Somehow her mind were awake but her body was still asleep. At the same time it felt like it was moving on someone else's command.

She laid there with her arm over her eyes finally being able to move but barely.

As she laid there she thought about  Logan. Missing her goofball. She missed having him around, taking her mind off her problems and making happy.

Ever since the break up with Edward and the moving with the Cullen she thought she would never again find true happiness. She was wrong. She found happiness in Logan.

She just hated how she left things. Kissing him and telling him that she was starting to like him more than a friend.

She wanted to move on from Edward but she couldn't. She had already planned out her future with him. It was hard to let go of all of that. She was not read for the uncertainty of her future.

Logan was great guy. He could make her happy but everytime she caught herself feeling something towards Logan and she would instantly feel guilt. She would hate to string Logan in her messes. She would hate to make him a rebound. Logan deserved more than what she was offering which was a broken heart, barely piecing itself together.

River than thought about Jacob. He had said she used him as a rebound and the worst part was that River didn't even notice until he mentioned to her. Truthfully speaking she didn't hink she was using Jacob not as much as Bella. Maybe Bella and her weren't so different after all. She was in desperate need of a friend and Jacob was there maybe it was the same for her.

She then thought about their fight before she left. Thinking back it was stupid. River shouldnt have meddled in Jacob's love affairs but she didn't want him to get hurt. She felt the need to warn him about where his feelings will lead him.

She then thought about Bella. Over the past few months River felt she and Bella have gotten really close. Though it will never be as close as to doing each other hair and nails and talk about boys. It was close enough that they talked and didn't hate each other or avoid each other.

River found herself thinking about her family. Her once family. People make mistakes and her family made mistakes that didn't mean they weren't sorry. Yes they broke her heart but can she really discard them just because of one stupid mistake.

River sighed before she carefully got up, deciding to take a wake and clear her mind. She placed her bare feet firmly on the floor before she stood up with shaky knees. After a few steps she got dizzy and stumbled to the door. Quickly gained power to stand she peeled herself of the door and stepped outside.

No matter how many times she saw the beautiful landscape in front, she could never get use to it. It was breathing taking.

As she took a walk in this peaceful she found her mind wondering back to Logan and what he was doing now.

After a while of clearing her mind she went back to her little house.

Suddenly an unfamiliar ring came into her ears. Her phone was buzzing from her bag she came here with. Strolling towards it, she pulled it out. Logan.

Logan called everyday and never stopped. Some never went in because of the bad service. River would see the miss calls and still ignored them but today, now she couldn't help herself. She felt she had to answered.

River cleared her throat before placing the phone on her ear,"think of the Devil and he shall call you." She said in raspy voice but tried to laugh it off.

Logan chuckled on the end of the phone,"Oh, thank God, you're still alive.  I didn't think you were going to answer." He sounded relieved.

River doesn't say anything to that.

"How are you? Are you good? Why did you leave? When are you coming back?"

"I'm good. Look Logan I'm sorry about how I left in the middle night. It's just...."

"You don't have to apologize just tell me where you are, so I can come and get you?"

River looked around,"I can't tell you."

"Why?" Logan yelled through the phone in confusion and frustration.

"The lunar eclipse is tomorrow and I want you far away from me as possible. " A tear escaped from her eye and her heart broke yet again.

"Listen to me River. Just tell where you are? We will work something out together."

"No, listen Logan. I'm sorry for everything I've done. You didn't deserve what I did. You deserve someone who isn't broken as I am. You deserve some who's going make you happy. And I'm not that...."

"Oh just shut up. You're talking like dying. It's just a lunar eclipse." He said annoyed.

River smiled almost feeling him was rolling his eyes,"but if I do. I want you to know..."

"No, you don't get to do. You don't get to say goodbye. Not like that. We're to find a way. All you need to do is tell me where you are before Clara gets to you first."

River frowned in confusion,"Clara? What does Clara have to do with anything?"

"Don't tell me she found you?"

"She didn't find me. I came here on my own."

Logan said multiply curses under his breath before answering,"listen me and listen carefully. Clara is a bad person. I need you to drop everything and run."

"Why?" River asked still confused.

"Don't believe anything that woman says to you.. That woman is not who she says she is."

"And how do you know that?"

"Can you not argue with me for once. Just trust me." Logan said desperately.

"Okay. " River simply answered.

"Now where are you so I can come and pick you up?"

"I don't know."

"River..." logan said in a warning voice.

"I'm serious. I was Alaska and then I was here."

"Okay, I think I know where you are. It might take some time. So I want you to get out of there and run."

"Okay." River said nervously. Just when Logan was going to continue speaking....

"Is something troubling you?" Clara's voice said from behind her.

"River." Logan yelled desperately from the other end.

"I need to go. I'll call you soon." River said through the phone to Logan.

River looked at Clara,"yes. A friend of mine is in trouble and I need to be leave. He needs there." River lies poorly not given enough time to come up with a good one. She just hope she wasn't that conspicuous. She started packing her stuff in her small backpack.

"River, you can't. The lunar eclipse is tomorrow. We're so close to finding the truth. If you leave now than all is lost."

"I guess I'll take my chances. I can't turn my back on the friend in need." River continued her lie.

"River." Clara tried to argue,"what are going to do when you start to ho on a rampage and start killing everyone in sight.  You know you can't show your face again. What then?"

"It won't happen."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll chain myself up if I have you to. I would rather die than hurt someone else." River said making her way out the door.

"No! You can't leave." Clara demanded stepping in from of River.

"I'm going and you're not going to stop me." River said before she going around Clara to leave again.

Clara got desperately and grabbed something hard and heavy.

River suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of head before she blacked out.

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