Hunt Or Be Hunted Part II

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"River RUN!" Logan shouted as he grabbed River's hand and dragged her along as they ran through the forest

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"River RUN!" Logan shouted as he grabbed River's hand and dragged her along as they ran through the forest. Branches and twigs snapped underneath their every step.

"What do you think I'm doing." River shouted in frustration as she ran, slapping the branches away from her face.

"If you don't run faster. I swear to god River. I'm going to leave you behind." Logan threatened, constantly looking behind him to check if they were still following him.

"Maybe you should lower your voice before they hear us." River hissed in a low voice.

Once they entered a small abandoned town with old, fallen walls. They moved from wall to wall, camouflage with their surroundings to blend in so no one notices them.

"They're not following us anymore." River raised out her concern.

"Yeah I know." Logan suddenly came to a halt and glued himself to the wall,"wait." He whispered as he held out his arm out to stop River from moving further.

"What is it?" River whispered.

"Shhh." Logan placed an index finger on his full dark pink lips.

"You better not be thinking of using me as bait again. I should have known better than to come here with you." River mumbled to herself.

"Come on, you know we didn't have choice. It was the only thing I could think of." He said exhausted.

"It almost got me killed. You're a terrible teacher, you know that." River huffed.

"Oh come on River." Logan said,"if I've known it will get this way. I wouldn't have." He whispered to himself.

"Did you say something?"

"No ma'am." He said.

"How did it's get to this?" River whispered to herself.


"We'll set camp here at the bottom of the mountain. Hike to the other side of mountain and hide in the bushes from this hill." He instructed as he pointed on the map." We'll observe this abandoned small town from that hill next to it. It's old and abandoned so it's best for bloodthirsty low life vampires." Logan instructed as he laid out the map of the area and the strategy.

"Hike all the way there." River whined unhappy. River loved hiking, being outside but she wasn't a fan of hiking in the woods at night with bloodthirsty vampires on the loose.

"Yeah." Logan confirmed.

"It's so far. Can't we get a little closer?" River asked,"what if we need to make a run for it."

"We'll have to be careful River." Logan said as he packed his things and put them in the bag,"we don't want them to know, we're there." He said."We need to be careful River. We don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"Yeah. I'm sorry again." River looked down regretfully.

"It's okay. As long as you learnt your lesson." Logan said seriously.

"Though you did use me as bait." River whispered.

"And it would have worked if you did exactly what I told you to do." Logan said.

"Whatever." River rolled her eyes,"he was strong and fast. He would have killed me."

"If you keep rolling your eyes, their going to fall off." Logan smirked,"you should have trusted me."

River looked down disappointed in herself. It was not her fault she had trust issues. She has been hurt, cheated on, betrayed by the people closest to her. And she wasn't going to trust her life to a guy she met a few weeks ago.

"If you do what I say no questions asked and there will be no problems and we will make it out, alive." Logan ordered.

River nodded in determination.


"If you do what I say, there'll be no problem." River whispered to herself as she mocked and mimicked Logan,"yeah right."

"Oh come on, River. Give me a break. I didn't ask for this." Logan whined apologetically.

"You didn't prepare enough."

"Yeah your right. I should have been more prepared just in case. It's too late now." Logan said with a smirk before he went back to spying,"a good hunter has to think on his feet. Cause your life actually depends on it, it literally does. Like seriously depends on it. Everyday is a risk." He said seriously, repeating the same thing clearly.

"Shut up, please."

"Don't tell me I'm scaring you." He mocked her.

"Please shut up and figure out a plan to get us out of here before they find us." River said concerned.

"I'm working on it." Logan said with a frustrated frown.

"I'm going to die because of you." River complained.

"Relax you're not going to die. At least not today." Logan smirked.

River rolled her eyes, "So what now?" River asked as she looked around in the dark alley.

"They're too many. We can't fight them all. We have to leave now before they find us." Logan whispered,"go back."

River backed away slowly and bumped her forehead on a hard wall. She hissed, rubbing her forehead and when she opened her eyes she came face to face with a large chest. She followed with her eyes up from the chest to see a huge, tall man standing in front of her. She gasped as she quickly stepped back to leave room between them.

"Leaving so soon." Man with pale skin and red hair said with a devilish grin.

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