In Your Arms

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I thought Illenium ft X embassador in your arms will be perfect for this chapter.

River walked to her bathroom after Charlie drove away. She ran her self a bath in her bathtub before she stood before a mirror. She looked at herself closely. She was not happy with the way she looked.

She lost weight, her skin was pale, she had dark rings under her eyes the same as a vampire when they were hungry and she was hungry. She ate but couldn't gain back the weight she's lost. She was exhausted from all the sleepless nights because she was afraid of dreaming.

Living with humans has made things a little hard. She had to hold her breath so she can be in one room with Charlie and Bella.

She was afraid to talk to Carlisle or the others about it cause she didn't want them judging her. The pack will be disgusted by her like the rest of the vampires. She was also afraid to drink blood because she might lose control. She has heard stories and there weren't pretty.

Now she was neither a vampire or a shifter. She didn't know who she was anyone. Thalia or River.

She was hungry and exhausted to think or feel emotions. She gripped the sink until her knuckles became white and rocked herself back and forth to calm herself.

She also noticed her hair that was slowly turning black again was now turning white again. She opened her  mouth and bared her teeth. Her sharp canines were in display. She rolled her eyes,"really fangs." She slammed her hands on the edge of her sink and before leffting go.

She her clothes off and got into the bathtub. The warm water quickly embraced her, relaxing her muscles.

She closed her eyes and moaned. For the first time in a while she was completely relaxed and the sleepless nights made her drowsy.

"Today we fight for land, for our people, for our children and their children's futures. I know I've caused you a lot of pain and suffering but stand with me and I'll fight until the last breath." River/Thalia said courage and determination

What seemed like hundred of wolves howled to the sky.

Jacob/Anakin nodded at her and she at him.

River/Thalia  got on the similar rusty brown one and charged forward.

One head after the other fell to the ground, bloody lifeless wolves laid on the ground. Vampires and Shifters and humans who were caught in a crossfire.

River/Thalia stared in horror until her eyes fell on a man. The love she had for him was unbearably painful to them both and the rest on world.

"You said you loved me." She screamed to him from a distance as he walked away,"you said you will do anything for us to be together."

"That was before your wolf friends killed my father." He said without turning.

"Please stop this. Is this really what you wanted. Blood shred."

He looked at her with smirk,"not me, you, Thalia. You wanted this. You should have choose us, your family instead of your friends."

"You were already going to shred blood. They weren't going to give up easily. I just tried to stop it." River/Thalia said with tearful eyes.

"If you still love me even just a little bit, please let me help you. We ran away, live a life we always wanted and dreamt about. " She begged with a sad, hopeful smile.

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