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River next morning didn't see Logan beside her on the bed or inside the room. She comes downstairs and Logan was eating a bowl of cereal,"sure making yourself at home."

"I am." Logan said through a mouth full.

River grabbed herself a bowl of cereal. She was just glad Bella and Charlie were not around to see Logan.

Spoke too soon, the door flared open and in came Charlie.

River's eyes widen,"hey you're home early."

Charlie eyes went from River to Logan who stopped eating but didn't move his eyes from his bowl,"yeah, I took a day off. Who is your friend?"

"Oh, dad this is Logan. Logan, my dad Charlie. "

Logan quickly get up and offered his hand,"good evening sir. Sorry for intruding."

"Not at all. How old are you?"

Logan slightly choked on his own spot,"I ..just....turned 2..0."

River smiled at how well mannered Logan suddenly became. She noticed how hesitated he was about his age.

"And you are aware my daughter's 17."

"Dad." River warned.

"What?" Charlie said.

Logan chuckled,"I'm aware but my intentions with your daughter are pure."

"So you're dating?"

"Unfortunately, no sir." Logan chuckled awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" Charlie asked his brow furrowed.

"Yes, dad." River red from embarrassmen,"me and Logan will be in my room. " River pushed Logan.

"Hey, are going to talk about the hair or..."

"No!" River yelled as she rushed up the stairs.

"Keep the door open." Charlie said.

River rolled her eyes,"will do chief." Logan said as he laughed.

As Logan stared out the window while River laid on her bed.


Bella, mad, climbed from Jacob's car holding her injured hand, as Edward's Volvo screeches to a stop. He gets out, moves directly for Jacob. Bella gets in his path.

"Not here, Edward. Please." Bella tried to stop him.

"If you ever touch her against her will again." Edward said angrily getting closer in Jacob.

"Don't do this." Bella begged.

"She's not sure what she wants." Jacob argued.

"Don't do this." Bella repeated.

"Well, let me give you a clue." Edward said," Wait for her to say the words." He challenged.

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