Chapter 2: Lazy Contracts

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Rubbing your eyes slightly, you tried to adapt to the sudden lack of light in your room. The blue glow was no longer visible, you however, felt uneasy looking around again. Your body had moved on its own and soon you were sitting up. Glancing to your left, you saw something greatly unexpected.

Or rather, you saw someone.

There he was, sitting cross legged, resting his back on a wall, looking at you with a bored expression. His red orbs were framed by dark circles and underlined with heavy eyebags. Light-blue hair was visible from under his hood. The male was a bit taller than you, but didn't seem much older. In normal conditions, you might've found this man's looks appealing and calming.. But who were you kidding? These weren't your generic conditions. He was an unknown person, sitting on your bed in the middle of the night!

Staring at him, you started coming back to your senses. Then it hit you.

"What are you- Who are you- WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!" You screamed and backed away in fear. Unfortunately, your sudden movement caused your body to fall down from the edge of your bed. You landed on your butt with a loud thump.

"'re so loud, I could die..." The boy sighed monotonously. "..don't other people live will wake everyone up..."

You looked at him blankly. He's right. What would your mother say if she had seen this situation? Would she think that you were lying, saying a random boy had just appeared in your room? Did you really want to find out? With a shaky breath, you put a hand onto your chest to calm your unsteady heartbeat.

"Who- Who are you?" You asked, looking at your lap and praying that all of this was just a dream.

"...who cares, I'm nothing..." He rolled his eyes, but you weren't having it. Looking back up, you inhaled deeply.

"Hey, this is not the time to joke around... Did you break in?" You asked.

"'re so brought me here, idiot..." Now, now. He called you an idiot. Even though you felt like one, he had no rights to speak bad about you.

"Oooookay, I don't think I'm an idiot for wanting to know what a random guy is doing in MY room!" You emphasized the word "my" quite comically, but you didn't care. "Now answer me. What are you...?"

...what a pain...

"...nothing really...but if you have to know, consider me...a vampire...I guess..." You blinked. He was telling you he was a vampire. A blood-sucking demon, a vampire. It was impossible.

"You're a...vampire?" He nodded. You were starting to get mad. "That's impossible. You can't be a vampire... Show me your fangs if you really are one!" You were proud of your idea. No matter how dumb it could seem, you felt like the smartest person in the world. You were going to catch a liar. You were going to prove him wrong.

He, however, groaned and opened up his mouth. You had to come closer again, remembering that darkness still surrounded the two of you. Then your eyes saw them. Fangs. Real fangs.

...hope you're happy now...knowing I'm a monster...

You felt the entire blood leave your head as you sat down on the bed. A real vampire was there - in front of you. You wanted to scream, run away even. There was a part of you that made you stay there, though. You wouldn't show any weaknesses, would you? Collecting all your strength, you opened your mouth.

"Are you here to hurt me?" A quiet question met his ears.

"" dumbass

"Then... Why are you here exactly?"

Luck of the black cat | Kuro x Fem!Reader | ServampWhere stories live. Discover now