Chapter 4: Hungry?

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Panicking, you picked up a pillow and hit Kuro's head with it. You hoped your message had gone through to him.

"(Y/n)? Are you home?" Your sibling's head peeked through the sitting room's door.

Did Kuro manage to change back? That was the only thought on your mind. You were too scared to turn back and check, though.

"(Y/n)-" (y/s/n) entered the room. "Why are you so quiet? Are you still mad at me?" They said, looking at you worryingly.


They haven't noticed?

Taking a deep breath, you looked behind you. Your eyes had to travel down to see a sleeping cat, your sibling's glance following suit.

"OH GOD. You actually got the cat!" They exclaimed excitedly.

A cat, huh?

You wanted to scoff. Keeping your cool, you forcefully smiled at them.

"I'm going to take him back outside today. Don't get used to it."

(Y/s/n) made their way to see the ball of fur close up. Trying to not disturb his sleeping form, they looked all over him. "Can you even do that?..." They pondered.

"What- What do you mean?" You were taken aback a little.

"Oh," They backed away. "pardon me. I meant, well, would you be okay making this small, frail creature homeless again?"

Frail? You really don't know what you're talking about, (y/s/n).

"He had managed to live alone for this long, he can continue on."

Your ears were met with a tired exhale. "Whatever you say, (y/n). Here," They said as they threw a box at you. "your ice cream."

Setting it down on the coffee table, you watched as (y/s/n) walked inside apartment's kitchen.

"Oh, (y/n). One more thing." Your sibling started again. "Sorry for yesterday. I knew your situation, I shouldn't have been so, you know, insensitive? Just wanted to help you out a little, take your mind off of things.."

You sighed. It was obvious. They were always like this. Even though, they didn't understand your emotions most of the time, they've always wanted to help you. They were usually missing the whole point, but could you even be mad at them? Their intentions were pure, they just wanted to help. In their own, certainly weird way. Or so you thought.

"It's okay... I mean, I don't know what came over me yesterday." You leaned forward and put your elbows on your knees. "I didn't want to make you feel guilty, especially when you didn't-"

"Okay, that's enough (y/n)." You focused your entire attention on them. "Stop that little 'attempt to apologize' of yours. It's fine. It was entirely my fault for making you feel bad. You didn't do anything wrong. Just, chill-" They looked back at the couch and immediately paused. "-is your cat eating ice cream?"

Confusion overwhelmed you. You glanced at the coffee table.

There he was, sitting next to the tripped-over ice cream box, head inside of it, biting the frozen treat. To say you freaked out was a big understatement. Shooting up, you caught Kuro's body and held him above your head.


...cookies and cream is a nice flavour...

Why do you always have to steal my food? We've known each other for a couple of hours...

"Kuro, that was very mean! Stop stealing food!" You scolded him.

Unbeknownst to you, your sibling was smiling at the whole ordeal.

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