Chapter 3: Soothe yourself~

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You were standing next to your car, waiting patiently for your friend to arrive. It was already dark. The weather was nice. It wasn't windy, yet the night didn't seem stuffy at all. It was honestly pretty calming. You observed your surroundings, searching for any movement, anything alive. You leaned on the car and picked up your phone.

No battery? That's your luck. Bored, you closed your eyes and breathed in a doze of fresh air.

A quiet sound of shuffling brought you back to your senses as you looked at the source of the noise. You saw two men. One of them was nearing a car next to yours, the other one was standing much further away. Strangers, huh?

Didn't your mother teach you about the 'stranger danger' rule? No, that wasn't the case. You remembered it very well. Your awareness of the situation was raising as fast as your unsteadying heartbeat.

Feeling the kicking-in fear, you grabbed the door handle of your car.

Wait. You didn't own a car.

"Excuse me, ma'am-" Uttered the man close to you. "May I know where you're going at this hour?"

You didn't dare to say a single word. Your thoughts fighting one another for the best response.

Should you run? Would you be able to outrun him?
Should you scream? Would anyone hear you?
Should you ask another man for help? What if he knew the person in front of you?
Should you stay calm and pray for him to explain the misunderstanding?

The man was getting closer to you. Time was running out, you had to act. NOW.

With all your might, you took a step backwards and jumped over the car's hood. You dashed towards the main street, or what you'd assumed was the main street. You could only pray that a couple of street laps would lead you to a police station or just a group of people.

You glanced over your shoulder and squeaked. Both of the men were running after you. Even worse, they were getting too close to you.

You ran and ran. You were so desperate to get away.

Suddenly, you felt something squeeze your wrist. You were too afraid to look back. They had caught you. Feeling the entire strength leaving your sore legs, you tripped and fell down.

Breathing heavily, you clenched the bright coverlet. Tears had already been formed in your eyes and you were shaking uncontrollably. Putting the hem of the bedsheets into your mouth, you started to bite it. A gesture which was supposed to help you calm down.

Alas, your brain had other plans. Your mind went through the nightmare a couple of times. It felt like a bad song left on repeat. Slowly engraving itself in your memory. A sudden feeling of nausea overwhelmed you as you started thinking about all the times bad things could had happened to you.

Was the man at mall looking at me weirdly last week? Did (b/f/n) invite me to a party knowing it could've been dangerous? Would any of my friends even help me if I were to be attacked?

Biting the inside of your cheek, you looked at your desk. Kuro was resting there peacefully.

He's a vampire. I can't look weak in front of him. Just...don't wake him up (y/n)!

When this thought had left your brain, your entire façade dropped. You put your legs up to your chest and started sobbing

Why did you feel so weak? It was just a bad dream. A nightmare. Why did it remind you about every bad memory? Why did it make you doubt everything around you?

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