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"Are you okay?" Winnie pronounced.

At the moment I was more concerned about my torn dress, so I took no notice of what she said. Everyone around me was guffawing on me making me more anxious and there I was struggling to regain my composure, suddenly, then, a big helping hand came towards me offering me to get up.

"Get up!" I heard a husky voice.
At long last I got up and saw warm brown eyes looking at me with an expression of 'if I was okay'. I swear that man looks would have made any girl drool. He got brown skin, narrower facial shape, fuller and more symmetrical lips, darker lashes, higher cheek bones, prominent chin and that jaw line was so freaking enticing. His appearance more looked like that of a cowboy. And YES, All of this I captured at a first glance.

"Come on Noah! I never thought your standards will drop down to this level that you'll help this DORK! " I heard the same ruthless voice but this very time, ignoring that, I preferred.

Oh! So this cowboy is called as Noah. I was still looking at him unconsciously disregarding the fact that somebody just called me a DORK.

"Are you fine Ana?" Winnie jerked bringing me back to the actuality.
"HUH! YES, I'm." I reciprocated this time coming back to my senses.

"I'm fine unless until I'm not stooping down to your standards Elle!" Noah answered.

(Welcome Elle 'THE BLOODY BITCH' Of Whitney Gretchen High School. She's tough, violent, belligerent, in her tongue, basically, 'fucking aggressive'. She, I mean, got that typical bitch vibe and I, in my mind, already decided that, no matter what, I've to maintain at least a hand distance, no matter what she should not be in and around my orbit. Winnie, by the way, later, sanctioned these insights about Elle to me!)

As soon as that cowboy, yeah I know his name is Noah but cowboy suits him more, took a mind boggling entry in the scenario, the crowd got cleared itself without even making that cliché statement 'IS THERE ANY DRAMA GOING ON? GET BACK TO YOUR CLASSES..............' so on and forth but he did make sure to do that cliché movie scene and also that I don't look like a beggar on my very first day, so, he gave me his cool leather jacket, now, the sole contrariety making, I was looking like black couch. That jacket was looking cool on him, it was freaking loose for me. But I didn't bother much as long as that torn dress was shielded. He was in haste, I guess, so I didn't get a chance to thank him. After onwards, Winnie and I made way for our classes.

When I set foot in my grade, what the hell, what's going on in this school, am I at the right place? There's a distinctive scenario here, those insane kids, some are brawling, some are grooving like baboons and apes on their desks, some are passing uncanny, sort of creepy looks, to me, as if I was an alien, is there anyone accustomed, wonted, usual scholar here or am I erroneously transferred to menagerie or should I say one of those episodes of 'MAN VS WILD' anchored by Bear Grylls?
Anyway, I moved swiftly to occupy the desk and then someone screamed "HEYYYYYYYY, MOVEEEEEEEEE". That what I was doing, I guess; didn't bother his voice though; maybe because every single person was behaving the same deranged way. Again someone shouted "YOU CRAZZYYYY GET OUT OF THE WAY." Hmm, I took a pause, something's fishy, I think, gave a side look, saw a furious baseball firing towards my way; where did this ball came from in the first place? I freaked out and rather moving, suggested to stand there like 'The Statue of Liberty', there I knew, will be returning home with the torn dress and a broken nose. I didn't have the guts to face that so I did sort of a dab too and hide my face.

"OH! ALEC, ALEC, ALEC, ALEC, ALEC........" everyone started cheering and hooting suddenly.

"YOOOO.....GREYSON..." someone, one of those apes shouted.

Looks like I'm on a lucky streak today; at the moment tilted my face leftward to see who was my savior now. A tall hunk was standing holding that fiery baseball dressed up in the most badass attire, those deep set blue eyes gazing at me, fiercely, not with the look of if I was okay or not but as if I was a deranged ran away from some mental asylum.

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