Whitney (Gretchen) High School

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*Hello beautiful readers!*

Thankyou for choosing my novel. Try to understand it's my first ever novel. So it may not be up to the mark. But my writing's improving with each passing day. Please don't judge me by it.

Enjoy guys!!


JANUARY 1, 2019

My mind was clouded with thoughts. I was numb. It seemed that my mind just stopped working. The thoughts I was getting were 'Why this happens with me? Love is not my thing. I'm not made for this.'

My life is a mess!

.......Oh I am sorry for already whining about my problems because probably that's what I do when I am at my 'best-loved place', RESTROOM! Apparently because for some time, at least, I can avoid all the creatures around me, all the problems in my life .Moreover, that's the sole place where I can get my privacy without getting disturbed. And my life works on one fundamental theory 'PEOPLE MEANS PROBLEMS' and I do all the possible things to avoid them. That's why, I love spending my time there (restroom). I know it's quite weird but maybe that's where an introvert belongs, RIGHT? Now, ya'll be thinking why my life is a mess?

<Actually every teenager's life is a mess but in my case it's quite different or weird, maybe because I'm weird, that's what others told me," Ana , you're a weirdo!">

So, a quick rewind (actually it will not be a quick rewind, in fact, it will be the most unhurried rewind of my life!), exactly one and half months back.

< NOVEMBER 15, 2018>

I woke up to my mom's shouting," Wake up! Ana, we're already very late. It's 5:30." The thing is my mom's current mission is to transform me into a thinner girl and for that she is actually making me sprint 4 km every day. I am not fat. She just feels like that I'll look prettier if I lose 10 more pounds and it's actually one of the toughest tasks to make her understand that I'm fine with my skin, with however I look. It's one of the reasons I hate my life. Just wait, there are more to unfold.

"Wake up, honey! We have to go", my mom reiterated, when I was not ready to come out from my soft and warm bed.

"Can you please disturb dad's slumber instead of mine? In fact, I would suggest you to paint your next target on dad for morning hike. He's gaining weight too! And mom I saw him eating that whole bowl of ice-cream which you hide." I murmured not realizing that dad was standing just next to mom hearing all the things.

"ANAAA....!", my dad screamed. I got up without saying a word. I saw my mom giving my dad a gruesome stare and my dad giving me that same stare. To be honest, it was hysterical to see my dad's expression. He was scared, he was furious on me but somehow he managed to tackle the situation.

Finally, I got up from my bed, wore my flip flops, brushed my teeth, freshened up, got dressed up (I wore my light medium orchid striped tracksuit. The jacket has an eye catching print at the back and it's comfy too. I can wear this all day long.), then drank a glass of lukewarm water <one of the tip to lose weight. According to my mom's research, drinking a glass of lukewarm water every day will succor you to lose weight. Stay tuned with Ana for more tips and tricks to lose weight.>

When I stepped out of my home, something was distinctive about today's morning hike. When I was running, the cool breeze which I felt against my skin made me feel zestful and lively. Shawn Mendes' songs had a disparate bounce today. Maybe, I was exhilarated as it was going to be my first day in Whitney (Gretchen) High School. Actually few weeks back, we got shifted to California because my dad serves as a General Manager at Floor Hand West Texas (Nabors Industries) and he got transferred to California and we followed him here as per the tradition.

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