Chapter Twenty Three

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I was so nervous. It was a week since Harvey asked me out and I was getting ready to go on our first official date. I was dying to know what we were going to do. Harvey said that he wanted to keep it a surprise but he told me to dress casually. I woke up early to get a shower. I wanted to wear shorts today so I shaved my legs and put on moisturiser. They were softer than a baby's bottom. I think anyway. I haven't had a younger sibling so I wouldn't know what a baby's bottom feels like , I haven't had to go through those daytime feeds and nappy changes. Anyway after I'd dried myself I got changed into a pair of black shorts and a red blouse that exposed most of my stomach showing off my belly bar. I then did my makeup naturally and put my hair into a side plait and put a flower headband. I then put my things in a bag , put on my socks and shoes and went to say goodbye to my dad. I walked in the living room and he was lying on the couch watching TV.

"How are you feeling?" I asked quietly.

"I'm a bit sore but I'll be fine once my medication kicks in" he said strongly.

"Are you sure? I can stay at home , I'm sure that Harvey would understand" I said feeling a bit guilty.

"No it's ok , you go and have an amazing time , I'll be fine" he replied.

"Ok , I'll be home by eight" I promised.

"Ten" my Dad argued.

"Eight" I argued back.

"Nine?" he asked.

"Nine" I confirmed. Then I heared a knock on the door. I ran to get it and Harvey was stood there holding - how romantic - a single rose. I smiled and he smiled back.

"You look beautiful" he said and I blushed.

"Thanks , so do you" I laughed. He handed me the rose.

"I thought that this rose was the most precious thing that I'd see today. I was wrong" he said quietly.

"Thank you Harvey. Let me just put this inside. Come in for a minute. Maybe say hi to my dad" I said and I saw Harvey turn pale "Don't worry he's so sweet"

Harvey stepped inside and I closed the front door.

Harvey's POV

Keeley looked perfect as always. I gave her the rose. She looked happy with it. Then she invited me inside to talk to her dad. I suddenly felt sick and I entered the house behind her. She walked into the kitchen and I walked into the living room. Her dad was lying on the couch watching TV.

"Hi Mr. Jackson , I'm Harvey" I said. He sat up and looked at me.

"Harvey , nice to meet you at last , Keeley hasn't shut up about you. You do really like Keeley don't you?" he asked. I remembered that Charlie didn't. Well I did , from the beginning.

"Yes , Keeley means everything to me , she's perfect" I said.

"That's good. Promise me that you'll look after her when I'm gone , she needs somebody like you" he said confidently and I nodded.

"I will Mr. Jackson. I'll never let her down because I love her" I said. Then after a few awkward seconds of me standing there Keeley walked into the room and gave her dad a cup of tea.

"Be careful dad , if there's any problems then give me a ring and I'll come and help" she said in that beautiful caring nature. Then she turned to me and said "Shall we go?" Then I took her by the hand and we left for our date.

We walked down a few streets until we reached a cute little cafe. We went inside and sat at a table by the window.

"This cafe is cute" she said looking around. It was a small cafe but it had a good vibe about it. Then we looked at the menu and decided what to have.

"Hi guys , what will you be having?" asked the waitor when he came over.

"Can I have the cheese and tomato pasta please?" Keeley asked politely and the waitor wrote it down in his tiny note pad.

"And can I have the pepperoni pizza please?" I asked.

"How many slices?" the waitor asked in return.

"Just the one thanks" I said.

"And drinks?" he added.

"Diet coke please" me and Keeley said at the same time.

"That will be ready soon" he said before walking away. We made small talk until our food came and the waitor must have mixed up our order because he also brought us one of those strawberry milkshakes with lots of cream.

"Sorry but we didn't order this" I said as he put it down.

"No but the boy in the corner who randomly keeps glancing over at you bought it for you" the waitor replied and then walked away. I turned around and saw that Leo was sat in the corner staring at us. Keeley had already started eating so didn't see Leo trying to mouth something. I didn't know what he was saying. Then I got a text off Leo.

L - I bought it so that you can do that cute thing where you share it

He wanted me to share the milkshake with Keeley. I turned around anf started eating. When we had finished I turned around and looked Leo who was still looking at us. Then I saw him pick up his phone and I waited for a message.

L - Harvey what are you doing?

H - Nothing , this is a bit awkward

L - I know , for me too

H - Leo it's awkward because of you. Your being a tiny bit and I mean this in the nicest way possible CREEPY

L - Sorry , look just do something this could not get sadder if you tried. Please tell me you're doing something after this!!!

H - We are don't worry.

L - Good now go back to your little Kervey bubble

I turned my phone off then and slid it into my pocket.

Keeley's POV

It was sort of awkward. It was fine until Harvey started texting on his phone. I pretended not to be bothered but it was fine because he eventually turned it off.

"Keels , I have something important to say to you" Harvey announced.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You have tomato on your cheek" he said grabbing a napkin and dabbing at my cheek. I blushed a bit.

"And you have something on your face too" I said.

"What?" he asked clearly knowing that there was nothing on his face but playing along.

"Just a little something on your nose" I said whilst I sneakily put some cream onto his hand. I'd noted earlier what hand he eat with and so that would be what handed he was. He was looking streight into my eyes so he didn't notice me putting the cream on his hand.

"Seriously? Something on my nose? Here?" he asked and he moved his hand up to his nose leaving a huge blob of cream on it. "Keeley" he said laughing "You put cream on my hand?"

"What?" I laughed "You're so easily distracted , let's go" I said throwing a paper napkin at him. He wiped his face , took my hand and we walked out of the cafe happily.

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