Chapter Two

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I bumped into somebody and fell on the floor. I looked up and saw a familiar face looking back at me. The familiar face wasn't Connie but Connie was close by watching. An arm extended to help me up so I took it.

"Sorry , I can be a bit clumsy at times" said the person's voice , it was a boy. I quickly got up and picked up my script that had fallen on the floor.

"Let me help you with that" said the boy's voice and then he started picking up the loose pieces of paper that had fallen out of the script. Then I felt a pain in my head and realised that mine and the boy's head had collided.

"Oh my gosh , I'm so sorry" I said.

"No problem , there's no damage done" said the boy who I still couldn't see.

"Are you sure?" I asked because I felt bad.

"Yeah , are you ok? You hit your head too" the boy laughed handing me all of the papers that had dropped on the floor.

"Thank you" I said gratefully.

"No problem , I'd better go but it was great bumping into you , maybe we could do it again some time" said the boy.

"Yeah but I don't even know your name" I said smiling to myself.

"If I told you then you wouldn't be as excited to see me again" he said "See you soon" then he turned and walked back down the street.

"Is it just me or was he a bit creepy?" said Connie.

I laughed to myself "It was cute"

Connie then nudged me and laughed. I started laughing with her and we carried on to my house. We arrived and were greeted by my Dad. My Mum doesn't live with me but my Dad is always there and so is my older sister Amanda but tonight she was out at a friend's house.

"Hi girls , are you hungry?" he asked the moment we got through the door.

"Actually I'm really hungry , so hungry that I could eat a horse." I said. Being on a set all day makes you very hungry and tired. I couldn't decide if I was too tired to eat or too hungry to sleep. Eventually though we decided to order a pizza. We also decided to watch a film. We all curled up on the couch and watched The Woman In Black. It was amazing and I love Daniel Radcliff because he is mint. It was quite a jumpy film and we all had mini heart attacks when the pizza man knocked on the door.

"You go and get it , the money's by the door" my Dad said shakily.

"I'm not getting it , what if it's ... her!" said Connie trying to be dramatic.

"Quit being babies , I'll go and get it but I get the big slice of pizza , deal?" I asked standing up. My Dad and Connie both nodded and I went to the door. I payed and thanked the pizza man and then I returned to the living room and sat between my Dad and Connie. We tucked in and then when the movie had ended we decided to go to bed.

I couldn't get to sleep for ages because I kept on thinking of the boy from before. If his aim was to stick in my mind then he had succeeded. When I eventually fallen asleep I dreamed about the voice. It wasn't a creepy voice. It was soft and innocent and it made me feel tingly. I hadn't had this feeling since I was 14 and got my first boyfriend. Could I have been falling for a stranger?

Young Hearts Go BAM 2 - Charlie's TurnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang