Chapter Eighteen

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I opened my eyes and saw that the sky was light. I jumped up off the ground in a panic. I checked the time on my phone. 05:45 , great , we could still get back to the hotel without Steven seeing us but we only had fifteen minutes to do so. I shook Charlie's arm in order to wake him up.

"Charlie , get up , we need to get back to the hotel" I said frantically. He eventually woke up after five minutes. Now we only had ten minutes to get back to the hotel. Way to go Charlie. That was a joke I love Charlie really. We ran back to the hotel and got into the room with five minutes to spare. In that five minutes Charlie got changed into his pyjamas in the bedroom and me in the bathroom so that Steven would think that we just woke up. We then climbed into our beds for two minutes to make it even more believable. KNOCK KNOCK. I walked over to the door and answered it. Steven was stood there still in his pyjamas.

"You have half an hour and then we're all going to the studio to get ready" he said tiredly before instantly going back to his room. I closed the door and walked over to the wardrobe. I took out a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt and took them into the bathroom. I then got a quick shower and got dressed. I dryed my hair with the hairdryer and kept it down. I would have put it up but usually the hair and makeup artists don't like me to wear it in a bobble or it would have a dip in my hair where it was placed. I didn't put on any makeup either because it would be getting done later anyway. When I walked into the room Charlie was dressed and ready. I put on a pair of vans and then we made our way out.

We met everybody in the lobby and then we all drove in a few seperate cars. Me , Charlie , Steven and Luca all got in one car. Steven drove the car , I sat in the passenger seat and the boys sat in the back. I wanted to sit next to Charlie but Steven already made a seating plan for the car. When we got to the studio I had to go streight to hair and makeup.

"Hello lovely , give me a spin so I know what I'm working with" said a woman as I walked into the room. I stopped and spun around slowly.

"Where's Lizzie?" I asked. Lizzie was the original makeup artist back in Bournmouth.

"She's not been able to make it here so I'm the makeup artist for the rest of the movie" she said.

"Oh , so what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Tess , would you like to take a seat and we'll get started?" said Tess and I made my way to the chair and sat down. Then I started to get my hair and makeup done. When I'd finshed I didn't really look like myself. The makeup covered me and my hair looked so different. Of course the makeup made me look different , that's what makeup does. My hair was now in loose curls that fell down to my waist. While I was getting ready Charlie had went away to my trailer so I went to meet him.

"Ok so your costume is in the trailer , you have an hour to get ready while I work on Luca" said Tess and I ran to my trailer. It was so cold outside.

When I got into the trailer Charlie was sitting on his phone. Well he wasn't sitting on his actual phone , he was sitting down using his phone.

"Hi , do you mind waiting outside while I get changed?" I asked.

"Who are you?" teased Charlie and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Layla , snowboard champion" I said. That was who my character is and as soon as I get my hair and makeup done , that's who I am. Charlie then stood up and walked over to me.

"Well Layla , I'll be outside" said Charlie. He then kissed my forehead and walked outside. I then got changed as quick as I could. The costume was quite heavy because it was all proper snowboarding gear. It was really warm aswell because it consisted of that many layers. I then let Charlie back in.

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