Chapter 3: We Sparked..

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                             comes... Ha.. I still don't remember her name.. But she's the one..

Her aura wasn't so special. But when she smiled, it was as if she emitted all the sunshine in the world. She seemed shy and timid but that's only the looks. She is something different than how she appears. Calm, reserved posture yet, she runs around smiling and giggling. Her talking was never limited. It was rare that she got along with everyone in the class as soon as she stepped in. But what shocked me the most was how similar we were. The description I told just now was not only applicable to that girl but also to the little me sitting there, whose presence is known by everyone. That special girl was the same kid that the monochrome teenager followed. Like another me... A monochrome statue looking at a golden figure.. Looking at her with solitude filled eyes.. as empty as...mine... She is like my own reflection...

When 'she' entered the class, out of mere coincidence I would say, their eyes met. (the past self and the other girl) But..the inner me, didn't accept that fact just as mere 'coincidence'. It made me a bit uncomfortable by not being able to read the situation going on. But I felt the feeling.. The feeling of...excitement.. Slowly but clearly this scene got recollected in my memory. I remember it way too vividly.

The little girl walked to the seat behind me and claimed her place. We talked.. Awkward at first was impossible to stop talking to each other. With the eagerness to know about each other, the emotions were so clear on their faces. I felt happy.. Knowing how someone can be so similar to me and want attention from me and give me their all time. It was..nice...

The golden classroom was empty.. Only those two girls looking at each other and talking.. This is what I felt...This is what I remember.. About my first day at school, I remember meeting 'her', gazing at her unconsciously and listening to her carefully and talking with her. I remember only hearing her voice and none other. Nothing else caught my attention.. The best part of my first day at school was 'her'...

"I guess she was special to me, ha.. I wish I could remember you.."

Suddenly everything around me started moving so quickly. What is going on now? My eyes caught the clock that was hung on the wall across the wide classroom. The hands of the clock were moving ever so fast. Faster than the second hand. And I saw the world move around in a haste. The places, times, atmosphere, everything kept changing quickly. Ah! I got it. It's fastforwarding my memories... I don't want to miss anything.. So I went back to observing the little me. Occasions happened, events were moved quickly.. I remembered them.. But they were not of much importance. I understood why it started fast forwarding. Cause it was not so important but still, it was stuck in my head because she was there... The one thing I noticed during the whole time was that my past self was constantly circling around the girl whom she met on the first day. Normally, I would have found that weird and a bit creepy.. But it felt as if that was supposed to be done.. Or else that little girl (past self) you see, won't the little Miki Hana.

The time got skipped. The little girls are now seemingly at the age of 12.

Time skipped a lot and I had gained too many memories.

Then time slowed down to the normal pace. The girls made their way out of the classroom and I followed their tracks. I completely forgot about the monochrome girl whom I was curious about. Because I was more occupied in this. They went near the trees and sat on the bench together. I followed and then... the world...cracked... Huh... A deep black crack across the sky splitting the world into bits and pieces. A loud chime of the clock repeating over...and..over...and...over..again!


It feels hazy.. "Aah.."

I woke up to see my white ceiling fan spinning.

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