Chapter 8: Miki Hana.(Last Chapter)

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Because.. Zeroth hour doesn't exist in the real world. So, me and my friend who have the power to go back and forth from that world.. We shouldn't exist here.. And that's what the real world did. To bring back the balance to the order of life.. Destiny and fate had to intertwine and turn its back on us.. As a result, we will lose memories, and remain normal as human beings.. The magic that exists between us, in our bond, that's what triggers the world. Well, that's what I think it is..

If you ask me how I know both my soulmate and I will lose memories, I simply saw it in my dream, in that golden world.. If what I am seeing is the future, then what my future self is seeing in that world would be the past in order to regain the memories.

In the zeroth hour, that's when the golden world appears.. It's the world created by's a world created by us.. It warns us.. It's there to protect both of us.. Afterall, we are soulmates.. So, future self, if you are wondering why you keep returning to that world, it's because it's helping you to find your soulmate.

I was not able to see the whole future, the last thing I saw was my future self reading this diary.. So dear future self, find her, your soulmate, once you remember her name, all your memories will come back to you and you will be complete! Now go, explore the golden world whose gates you opened, find her, she is waiting for you!

"Haa..." (sighing)

I flipped through the pages, but no more was written. That was the last line.. "Find her, she is waiting for you!" That line was tearfully written. The ink was blotted over. It was clear that I cried while writing this.. I can feel the emotions, my 13 yr old self had when she had to write all this.. She couldn't believe that there would be a day where she has to forget her best friend..

Holding that diary close to my chest, with tears streaming down, I let out in my trembling voice the words,

"I'm sorry...."

After calming myself, I stood up. There's no time for crying.. I need to find her!

I peeked through my window, and saw two golden figures in front of my house. Upon further inspection, I realised that those two golden people are my best friend and my past self. Both 13 yr olds. I quickly rushed towards then because that might be a clue!

As I reached them, I saw my past self holding a lot of books.. No! A lot of...DIARIES! Memories rushed in.. Those..THOSE ARE MINE! Two, four, aah seven! There were seven diaries in her hand.. With their tiny fragile hand, she gave her diaries to her best friend standing next to her..

Little Hana: "Here.. Now onwards.. This is your treasure to secure.. And all my deepest secrets are inside that! (pointing to the stack of diaries) Now, protect them!"

Hana's best friend: "I will.. But, why are you giving it to me rather than hiding it somewhere yourself?"

Little Hana: "You know, tonight's the night, we will forget our memories.. I don't want myself to keep on reading these diaries while not being able to remember anything. And I trust you the most. My future self needs to read only one diary of mine and I know she will find it.."

Ah.. I remember.. I gave her my diaries.. So that's where they are... Her best friend left.. I guess her role is finished.. But then, the Hana in front of me was holding a paper.. She put it in the mailbox of my house and left walking into thin air.. I opened and took the paper out..

It was a poem written of her best friend.. It was beautiful and childish too..

"Ah wait!"

The last lines.. Those are hints for her name!

The 0th Hour.  {COMPLETED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora