Chapter 6: Best Friends, No, Soulmates(Part2)...

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Time was ticking away.. 12:01....12:02...12:03...12:04.......

Horrified by what I just witnessed, I fainted after four minutes of gaze. Ah..It was tiring.. Everything...was My mind was disturbed by rushing thoughts....all about the incident that I saw there.. Even though I fainted, my sleep was the least peaceful one I have ever had. Shortly after, I woke up covered in cold sweat. 4am..

"Ughh.. (exhausted) this day isn't starting out well.."

With a lot of effort, I made it to school only to be mindless and sick in class. I couldn't focus like I used to. The teachers called me out for the first time.Ugh...I am so tired.. To the staff room now... This was new...

During her period of memory loss, the only thing Hana focused on was her academics. She was and still is the valedictorian of her class. Solving math problems was easier for her than socializing in her class. She never took part in any activities at school. She was less-known..Unlike Hana before losing memories. She was a complete book-nerd. But she bothered no one and no one bothered her. So getting called by the teacher for not focusing in class was something that was expected to never happen in a billion years. It was quite shocking and new for the students and teachers. And for Hana herself.. She has never been in a state of mind where she was never able to focus.. This was all simply new....

Teacher: "Hana.. This is really unlike you. You have never got into any trouble. You are one of the students who are able to give attention to all the smallest details and study about them.. So what was that today?"

Hana: "..."

Teacher: "You slept in the first class. Then you screamed in the middle of the lecture. You even began panicking and when I questioned you, you started rumbling about some car crash. You created a huge ruckus in class and disturbed the whole class today. Do you know that.?"

Hana: "'am.. I apologize for my misbehavior. Please forgive me. I will reflect upon my actions and make sure this will never happen again,.."

Teacher: "Apology accepted. Since this is your first time ever causing trouble in class, I have decided to let you go without any further punishments. But, I won't tolerate this kind of behavior again."

Hana: "Thank you, ma'am. I fully understand. I promise you, this won't happen again in the future."

Teacher: "Hana.. I noticed this today in class too, you were covered in sweat. Your complexion also doesn't look too good. You are one of the top students of this school, Hana.. And this is your last year.. It's very important.. You are referred to as the perfect student in academics. But, Hana.. today... what I saw was different.. I'm worried.. Are you fine..?"

Hana: "I'm just having some dizzy spells lately.. It must be from late-night studying. There's nothing to worry about. I will take care of it.. Will you please grant me permission to take an early leave today.? I don't feel so good to be able to carry on for the rest of the day.."

Teacher: "I see... You are allowed to take an early leave. Take good rest. Studies are important but they don't surpass your health. Next time, if you feel sick, take a sick leave and rest at home, rather than coming here and worsening your condition."

Hana: "Thank you..."

As it feels from the conversation, Miki Hana had the memory to talk very professionally and in a formal way. Her way of talking to adults made her feel like a superior or someone with high class and power. Her style of addressing made her image look like she was a CEO of some big company or a VIP. This was in Hana's old memories. Which means the old Hana already knew how to talk like this. You could say, it's like muscle memory. Hana only lost memories in her head, "not" her body. The way she talks never makes people look down on her. This was the advantage of this kind of addressing. Of course, Miki Hana must have learned this skill for a reason. A reason that remains unknown right now as she has forgotten her memories..

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