Ending part 2 (Un-Frozen)

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As we slid down the roof on the snow I get wind rush through my hair. But this wasn't normal wind this was... "Zephyr" I called out. It was him he found us "go find Elsa" I yelled "help her if she needs." Zephyr spin around us one more time and then disappeared.

I helped Anna threw the snow as Olaf was blown away. "Keep going" he yelled some continued. Unfortunately Anna started to freeze faster.

So I picked her up bridal style and ran. "Kristof" we yelled and we heard him in return. "Go Anna" I said "I have to find Elsa." Anna nodded weakly and continued to walk towards Kristof and I ran to find Elsa.

Time skip brought to you by evil Hans

"Elsa" I yelled again the wind was thick but I saw the familiar leaves too. "Zephyr" I screamEd "Lead me to Elsa." Zephyr picked me up like old time and used the wind to propel us towards we're I hope she was.

Time skip by Elsa clearing the wind

Now with the wind gone I could see Elsa with Hans. "Zephyr please hurry" I said, Zephyr complied as we shot towards Elsa.

I limped toward Kristof, I was so close but then I saw Elsa. Hans had a dwarf over her body ready to strike, I had to save her.
So I limped/ran towards the two just in time...

Anna saved me and now she was frozen. "Anna please... no please" I yelled but it was to late. She was frozen solid I couldn't help her.

All I could do was cry as Olaf, Kristof, Sven and F/N watched. But I didn't care it hurt and it was all my fault.

Then like magic Anna was thawed and we hugged. "You sacrificed yourself for me?" I asked. "I love you" she said in return. Then Olaf gasped "an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart" he said.

"Love will thaw... Love! Of course" I said that was the way I could undo my mistake, love, and had a lot of that now.

I began to melt the ice and all the snow began to disappear. Then the boat we were on Rose from the water.

"I knew you could do it" Anna said, "we all did" F/N continued. Then Olaf started to melt so I made him his own flurry.

The Hans began to stand up and Anna walked over to him. "Anna?" He asked "but she froze your heart?"

Then Anna said, "the only frozen heart around is yours" and started to walk away, but all of a sudden she turned around and punched him of the boat.

The two sisters hugged again and it made me want to hug my own. "F/N?" She started "Yeah I know" she said and we hugged. Sven and zephyr joining in, I looked up and caught Anna's eyes, man I loved her.

Soon Anna stopped hugging her sister and we both pushed F/N name into Elsa. "Already falling for me snow flake" she said. Elsa only smiled and pressed there foreheads together.

Finally a happy ending.

(A/N almost 😅 done just stick around for one more chapter)

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