The photos (part 5)(2 out of 3)

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You and y/f/n are in the line for the photos, and because you have been waiting for so long you and y/f/n decide to play a game of two truths and a lie.

"Okay I'll go first,I am I love with Tom Holland,  I am scared of sharks, I have 2 dogs" you whisper to y/f/n because you don't want everyone to hear.

"Um, I think the first one is a lie because I you haven't said you love Tom, you have only said that he's like your favorite actor... is that right?" Y/f/n whispers back to you.

"No... I..I thought that but when I met him there was a connection. I don't know, I guess. Never mind. Anyway I don't have two dog I have 1 dog and 1 cat" you say even quieter than you already was.

"Omg your in love with Tom!" Y/f/n shouted.

"Shhhhh, be a bit quieter" you say while moving down the line cloister to Tom and Louis.

"Fine" y/f/n says while rolling her eyes.

You are 3rd in line now and you are freaking out. You are trying to figure your what to say,and what you want to do in the photo.
The line moved down really fast, and you were next. You could see Tom and Louis both there taking photos with the people who were in front of you.
You see the people who just took the photos walking away, so you know that means your next. You hear a man shouting "next please". Y/f/n goes first because she was in front of you.

Y/f/n point of view:
Y/f/n heard a man shouting "next please" so I went up and she saw Tom and Louis standing there, the hade payed to take individual photos with them so, she was about to walk up to them and someone asked "who are you going to take a photo with first?" You respond saying "um Louis, if that's alright?" The lady nodded and let you through. Tom moved out the frame of the photo, as Louis asks "oh,hey I'm glad to see you again(he winks)what do you want to do, in this photo?" You answer and say "could I kiss your cheek?" Louis Bends down so he is y/f/n hight and y/f/n kisses him on the cheek. After the photo was taken, both you and Louis laugh as y/f/n says "thank you" and Louis replies and says "your welcome" and smirks and he walks out frame of the photo and Tom walks into the frame.
"Hiya again ,what are we going to to?" Tom asks.
You answer and say "I'm could hug and do bunny ears behind each others head?" Y/f/n says while she lets out a giggle.
Tom nods and put his arm behind y/f/n back and makes bunny years with his fingers behind her head and y/f/n does the same. After the photo is taken y/f/n whispers something into Tom year and then says "thanks for the photo" and then walked of to the side.

Y/n's point of view:

You see y/f/n whisper something into toms year and you start to wonder what she has just said. Then you hear some say "okay your next" so you walk forward and a lady asked you the same as she did to y/f/n "who would you like to take a photo with first?" You look over and see Tom standing there, then you look back and say "Tom please" she nods and looks at Tom, then she lets you through. You look at Tom and say "hello, agin, it's me" Tom is smiling and looks at you and says "hey, oh yes, I didn't catch your name the first time we met..."
"Oh Um yeah sorry my name is y/n" you say nervously.
Tom looks looks at you and says "that a beautiful name y/n, I don't know it just has a nice ring to it" you both laugh as Tom asks "what do you want to do for the photo?"
"um, could you like kinda propose to me, like go down on one knee and pretend to open ring box and I will look shocked" you said nervously.
"Sure" Tom says while he gets down on one knee.
You look at the camera while acting shocked and Tom is looking at you.
After the photo is taken Tom gets up and says "wow your a good actress" while smiling.
You look at him and say "thanks I guess,oh one more question before I go".
"Yes go ahead" Tom says.
"What did y/f/n say to you just now?" You ask.
Tom answers and says "it's a secret,and I promised I wouldn't tell you, but I might if you are coming to the sit and chat".
You look at Tom and then you look at y/f/n and say "fine, but I need to know then".
You both laugh and Louis walked into the frame as Tom walks out. You look at Louis and say "hey,so for the photo can I jump on your back!".
Louis says "hey and yeah sure". You both smile as you jump on his back. You jump of his back and say "see you when I go to the sit and chat" Louis looks at you and says "will your friend be there to?and also what's her name?" You look at him and smile "her name is y/f/n and yeah she will be there, why?" Louis looks at you and smiles as he says "Um,
nothing it doesn't matter". You look at him confused and say "okay" you both laugh as you meet back up with y/f/n. You ask her what she said to Tom and she says "you will find out"

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