Wedding time!!(part 31)

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A/n: hey guys just a quick note sorry for not posting the next part in such a long time, I accidentally deleted the app and didn't know my log in but I'm back now, and this will be the wedding of Y/N and TOM. So I'll let you carry on reading now ❤️

It's the day of your wedding and you wake up in your mothers house with y/f/n and your mother. Isla Jade is with Tom because he said he would look after her while you get ready then when you are ready you will get her ready so Tom can get ready.

You wake up really nervous, but when you go downstairs y/f/n reassures you and tell you everything will go just how you planned it to go.

You have your breakfast and then you go upstairs to get your hair and makeup done. You don't need to rush because it's 7:45am and the wedding is at 3:00pm. After all that it's now 9:25am so you do all your bridesmaids hair and make up, then you put on your dress.

(Ps. This is the dress)

So now that you put on your dress, you text one of your friends to see if they can pick up the wedding cake around 12pm

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So now that you put on your dress, you text one of your friends to see if they can pick up the wedding cake around 12pm. Now that you are ready, you get Isla ready, you put on her dress and put a bow in her hair.

(Remember this is Isla's dress, but in newborn)

So after getting her ready, you text Tom to see if he's ready

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So after getting her ready, you text Tom to see if he's ready.

                                                                                                    Hey babe, me and Isla are          
                                                                                                    All ready, are you? Also 
                                                                                                    I texted f/n to pick the
                                                                                                    cake by 12:00pm xxx.
Hey darling. Yeah that's fine,
I'm nearly ready just putting my
Tie and shoes on then I'll be on
My way to the church xxx.
                                                                                                    Alright, I'll see you in a
                                                                                                      bit. Love you lots xxx.

Love you too darling xxx.

You go down stairs to see if all the girls are ready, most of them are expected from two.
You want to take photos to post on your Instagram when they are all ready for after the wedding. Once they are all ready you take a few pictures and then you all get into a car that is made up for the wedding.

Your mother has Isla in her lap in her car seat, and she's is nearly crying of joy, because she can't wait to see her baby all grown up and married with the person she loves.

You get there and you get butterflies in your stomach, as all the girls get out of the car you get really nervous but in a good way. As you do in a normal wedding, Tom is standing at the altar with the best men. The bridesmaids start to walk down the isle, then y/f/n hold Isla in her arms and walks down the isle.

Your mother hugs you and gives you the biggest smile, she tells you,
"Y/n, today will be one of the happiest days of your life and the day that I have to give you away to someone, even though he is a very nice young man, but remember you will forever be my little girl".

You nearly start to cry but she stops you and tells if you cry then your makeup will be ruined, so leave the crying until your soon to be husband can see how beautiful you look.

You and your mother start to walk down the isle, and you see Tom standing there in tears as he looks over at you. You get to the alter and your mother sings down with Isla.
He tells you how beautiful you look. He holds your hands while the vicar starts the ceremony.

You take the rings of the pillows, and place them on each others fingers, them You guys say your vows:

"Tom, do you take thee y/n to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto You plight thee your troth. '

"I, Tom take thee, y/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth. '

"Y/n, wedded husband,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto You plight thee your troth. '

'I, y/n,take thee, Tom, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth. '

The vicar:
"Do you Tom, take y/n to be your wedded wife?"

Tom:"I do"

The vicar:
"Do you y/n take Tom to be your wedded husband?"

You:"I do"

The vicar: "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

You and Tom kiss and then you go and pick up Isla and then you all walk down the isle celebrating, towards the car that takes you to the after party.

You get into the car and change your shoes form heals to trainers because when you dance you don't want to fall over. You guys wave to the people that came to the wedding and then you shut the car door and then you start heading to the after party.

(A/n: hey guys, sorry if this is not good, I don't really know fully what happens in weddings because I have only been to one and that was a couple of years ago so sorry if this is not that good, my apologies, but thank you for reading and don't worry the next part will be up soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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