Chapter 10

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Even though the man was sitting calmly, anu can clearly see the distress and discomfort oozing out of him, a slight smile formed on her lips seeing the seen in front of her. More than what's happening on the dance floor, his expression was what made her more entertained.

"Let's dance," Shwetha said looking downstairs with a sparkle in her eyes, everyone nodded their head except Anu after all she has a more important thing on hand other than going on the dance floor.

"You guys go, I will join you after few minutes" Everyone looked towards Anu in disbelieve after hearing her words. Why will not they after all Anu love to dance like crazy! Priya was the only one who was calm after hearing Anu's word after all she had clearly seen what had caught the drama queen's eyes.

"Ok, we will move first, you come after finishing what you want to do" hearing the words coming out of Priya's mouth everyone looked towards her including Anu. Anu was shocked after hearing what came out of her best friend's mouth, that's when she heard a ping on her cell and looked at it only to find a text from Priya.

'Enjoy your view, but don't forget about us' After reading the text Anu just looked towards Priya in disbelieve then a slight smile graced her lips understanding very well that Priya has seen what she was looking for and understood what made her stop to hit the dance floor.

"Thanks now go, go, go" Anu ushered them to go to which Advik looked unhappy after all he had planned so many things for today, and seem like his plan was going down the hill right now.

"I will wait here with you to finish your work," Advik said taking whatever opportunity is getting in his way after all he knew very well that it was not easy to get her out like this.

"Oh no, no, no, there is no need for that, please enjoy, otherwise I will feel guilty thinking that you didn't get enough time to enjoy". Hearing it unwantedly Advik nodded his head and started to move with others towards the dance floor.

The group took a good spot on the dance floor and started to dance crazily to the Rock music which was currently playing. Anu shifted her gaze towards her entertaining section and started to look with full interest like she was watching a movie. That's when a waiter came and placed her long island iced tea which she ordered a few minutes ago, she started to take sip after sip looking towards her man who seemed to be in deep thought.

Kunal was never an outgoing person, and the few times when he went out was only because of Anu who loves outing and clubbing. Seeing what's happening right now Anu was sure that he came here because he had no other choice, otherwise, he would never step foot in a club without her and Aarav. Anu smiled seeing the frustrated look on his face and it seems like he will blast off any moment if they don't listen to what he wanted to say or if the meeting is not finished.

Kunal already had a headache seeing the venue and the loud music just increased his frustration further, he just wanted to go home and sleep after seeing his beautiful wife's smiling and happy face. That's when he remembered that his wife is not at home at this moment and she is out with her friends partying to the fullest which made his face fall. In all this, he didn't notice the lady opposite him got up from her seat and was coming towards him. Kunal came out from his thought process when his body shook with repulsion with an unknown touch on his shoulder. Abhay looked at the scene with horror-filled eyes after all its Kunal in question.

Kunal glared towards the lady with a surge to burn her alive. If looks could kill she would have died million times already and would have turned into ashes long ago. The fiery icy look on the man's face made the lady tremble on her feet and she took two steps back unknowingly in fear of getting killed to trespass his private space.

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