Chapter 14

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"My name is Kunal Singhania" every single person in the class started to look towards each other in complete shock, after all, who on the earth doesn't know about Kunal Singhania, the king of the business world. Even though it's just two years that he took over the family business, but in these two years the business had leaped up like it was caught on fire the progress was unimaginable, to say the least, not only domestically even internationally Singhania groups are a well-known company, he even got the award for the Asian entrepreneur of the year along with Mr. Oberoi.

It's a world-known fact that the Oberoi rules over the Hospitality industry, Manufacturing industry as well as Entertainment industry while Singhania rules over the construction industry, IT industry as well as Transport industry. They are the one who is ruling over India right now. Every single person knows about Kunal Singhania and Vihaan Oberoi. Just they don't know the face of Vihaan Oberoi as he is not active in social media, even though Kunal Singhania is not active that doesn't mean they have not seen him after all he is their senior, that was the proudest thing of their college.

Sneha was literally gaping at the hot guy with her mouth wide open which didn't go unnoticed by Anu, which immediately made her angry but then her anger evaporated into thin air when her ears picked up the voice coming from the mouth of her hot husband, she turned and looked ahead only to see him looking towards her only.

"You knew?" Anu looked beside her when she heard the voice of Shwetha beside her ear and then she looked towards Priya who has the same question written all across her face.

"I had a rough idea" Anu replied truthfully, after all, she never questioned him regarding this matter, and about the rough idea she got only because she saw a glow in his eyes when she mentioned that they are having two guest lecturer for their last semester, and the point also that who will know her husband more than her, yet she kept mum not wanting to spoil his surprise.

"Aw, I wish Avi was this romantic" Shwetha said to which not only Priya but Anu also chuckled slowly. She came out of her thoughts when chalk landed on her head, she raised her head only to see her husband looking towards her grumpily which made him look cute in her eyes, after all, who will be cuter to her other than her husband, who even though is grumbling but his eyes are shining because she was there for him.

"Concentrate" Anu nodded her head after listening to his voice and then seriously started to listen to her husband taking the class, even though a few times she concentrated on him too much that she loosened her focus which resulted in her drooling over her man and she knew very well that he had clearly seen her checking him out openly in the pretense of listening to the class After the class finished Kunal looked towards the naughty child of the class and said;

"Follow me" Anu just rolled her eyes and then looked towards her friend who was trying hard to suppress their laughter.

"Why on the earth every lecturer is asking me to follow them" Shwetha and Priya finally laughed aloud after hearing it followed by Avi and Prem, Shwetha and Priya gave her a meaningful full gaze stating the fact that why the second one asked her to follow.

"Because you are hot," One of the classmates said loudly which grabbed almost everyone's attention towards their direction to which Anu just wanted to smack her head on the wall.

"Shut up" After saying that Anu went outside and saw Kunal waiting for her at the end of the corridor, she started to move towards him, when she reached near him he looked towards her and then started to move ahead followed by Anu. As it was break time Sneha followed Anu only to see her taking a turn from the end of the corridor and by the time she reached there it seems like Anu had vanished in thin air, she was clueless as to where they went.

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