Author's note/Prolouge

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Author's note:

This book is the first of The Valiant princess series. Second will be BLUE CLOUDS and last will be GREEN JADE. Stay tuned.

Other books: DESTINY and PEAR BLOSSOM.

Updates would be twice a week with two-three chapters a day. Days: Monday and Wednesday. Stay tuned.

Editing: immediately after the book is finished and before I start a new one.


Political Marriages has always been the frontier of military power and security. The duke of Yanbei and emperor of Chang'an have been sworn brothers. To strengthen their ties and countries they decide to marry off their children.

An outgoing, shameless, funny, charismatic and crazy prince with a cold hearted, distant and unbothered princess together in a marriage. All hell break loose. They fall in love but destiny has other plans for them. Will they be able to over come things? Or will their differences keep them apart? Read to find out.


  Princess Mei xing was decorated from head to toe in red. She gave a sigh. I can't believe I have to marry that idiot. She said in her mind. She was taken to the carriage once she entered the veils were closed and the journey to Yanbei started.

  In her head she cursed Yan xun a thousand times but she couldn't deny the tiny blush that appeared on her cheek. Yes she admits she likes Yan xun but the guy was a Casanova.

  If he hadn't chosen her to be his bride. Then she would still be at home back at Chang'an doing nothing but playing music, sleeping, eating, reading and visiting her hideout.

  She grew worried thinking of how her mother-in-law would treat her. She hoped she gets a wonderful mother-in-law and that Yan xun doesn't mistreat her.

  The journey to Yanbei was quite boring all she did was sleep and eat. After they reached the gates they were welcomed by the groom himself. She heard the girls she took with her gossiping about how lucky she was.

  They were lead to the ancestral temple to pay respects and then to the estate where the wedding will take place. The wedding ceremony started. A eunuch announced the process: bow to heaven and earth (3 bows), bow to parents (3 bows) and finally bow to each other (3 bows). After that the eunuch announced: take the bride to her chambers.

  She was lead by a group of servants girls to her chambers where she was placed on the bed waiting for Yan xun to arrive and take the veil off.

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