Chapter 3: Perverted Prince

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1 year ago.
Chang'an: imperial palace.
Mei xing and Yan xun.

  Mei xing woke up the next day in an extremely bad mood only her personal maid Ting yi escaped the endless scolding. She got dressed in purple hanfu and styled her hair in braids.

 She got dressed in purple hanfu and styled her hair in braids

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   Deciding to stay indoors the whole day. Mei xing sat on a soft red cushion holding a book in her hand. The book was titled The empress's greed. She was enjoying the book when a palace maid came in with a piece of paper saying she was asked to deliver it to her.

  Mei xing unfolded the paper reading out its content: green, green, the riverside grass.
Unending, unbroken my thoughts on roads far away.
Faraway roads do not bear thoughts.
Last night in dreams, I saw you.
I woke suddenly in another town.
This other town in a different country.
Tossing and turning,
I do not see you.
The withered mulberry knows of heaven's wind.
The oceans know of heaven's cold.

  After reading the poem an unknown blush appeared on Mei xing's cheeks. She knew who sent the poem. She dismissed the maid and reread the poem. She kept the paper aside and went back to her book.

  Yan xun was watching by the window. He smiled seeing the blush on her cheeks. He knew he made her happy and he felt warm inside. He left a message for her to meet him.

  Ting yi didn't know how to approach her mistress with the news but she summoned some courage and went ahead she poured her mistress a cup of rose hip tea.

  "Princess, would you like to go out for a while?" She asked with a sly smile. Mei xing kept the cup after sipping the tea and looked at Ting yi. She gave her a sly smile making Ting yi gulp.

  "Ting yi, What did prince Yan xun say to you?" She asked.

  "Princess he asked me to deliver a message." Ting yi replied going on her knees.

  "Ohh! What message would that be?" Mei xing asked carrying the tea cup, she smelled the fragrant and smirked before taking a sip.

  "He wanted the princess to going him on a ride." She said before kowtowing. "Forgive me princess." She said in a shaky voice.

  Mei xing sighed before shaking her head. "Ting yi get up. You are right I do want to go out for horse back riding but I won't go with Yan xun tell the stables to prepare my horse." She ordered. "Ting yi don't forget who your master is." She said.

  "Shì, gōngzhǔ." Ting yi answered. She gave a bow before running off to the royal stables. The workers saw her immediately bowed. She walked to the head of the stables and read out the princess's order.

  "Gōngzhǔ Mei xing, said to prepare her horse." She said before walking out. She shook her head poor Yan xun. He was chasing after an iceberg. The princess she knew was cold and distant even to her family members.

  Mei xing hasn't always been like this. The death of her sister took a toll on her. Her sister Mei lien was her pillar. They were twins and did everything together. They were close and did all sort of mischief together.

  Sadly she was raped by a stable boy. Her mother to avoid rumors married her sister off to the stable boy which in turn resulted to her sister killing herself. That's why Mei xing became distant.

  She hated her mother to the core for marrying her sister off. She hated the stable boy for raping her sister and she hated men in total. She became closed off and cold. She invested her time in reading, music, painting, calligraphy, embroidery, martial arts and horse riding.

  In Ting yi's opinion Yan xun should just give up because he won't be able to win the princess's heart. He should just accept it and marry her without her love that way it would be better.

  "Ting yi guiniang! Please wait." She heard someone calling her name. She turned to see Yan xun. She curtsied.

  "My lord."

  "Ting yi guiniang please drop the formalities. What did the princess say?" He asked.

  "She said she won't go with you but she will be going for a ride." She said. Yan xun gave a nod in understanding. "My lord I tried my best." She said.

  He gave her a smile. "It's fine." He walked away and Ting yi sighed. Such a handsome man it's a shame. She went back to tell her mistress that horse was ready.

  Mei xing walked to stables to get her horse. She got on her black stallion, she looked at Ting yi and dismissed before she rode off. She took the normal route before taking deep in the forest.

  After a good ten minutes ride she came to a clearing. It was filled with a lot of peach blossom trees and a crystal clear lake with a waterfall. She tied her horse to a tree close to her before stripping.

  She took off her shoes and the outer robe leaving her in a purple inner garment. Loosing the braids. Neatly folding everything by the side she kept them. She walked to the lake and got in.

  The naturally cold water immediately penetrated her body but she didn't mind the cold. She elegantly did a few strokes. Before she decided to float. She turned on her back and closed her eyes. She gently floated on the water.

  Yan xun was hiding behind a tree a few meters away from her. Actually he followed her to this place. He watched as she stripped and everything. Call him a pervert he didn't mind.

  After getting tired of swimming Mei xing got out of the water. Her hair wet, body wet and undergarments wet. The sun shone on her making her seem like a goddess descended from heaven. Yan xun couldn't control himself and got out of his hiding place.

  The sudden appearance of a man startled Mei xing but her fear got replaced by anger upon seeing the of the person. She took a rock and threw it at him. Yan xun being an expert in martial arts wasn't hard for him to dodge the stone.

  She stretched her palm to hit him but he caught her palm swaying her. She lost balance and was about to fall when he caught her. They stared at each other in the eye. Her blue eyes staring into his black ones. As if sensing the mood. Flower petals fell.
*this is the part where a song is inserted to make it more romantic. And the song is called Xīng yuè 行約(moon and stars) by Yisa Yu and Ruo Wang. It's one of the ost from Princess Agent. I just like the song so much so I decided to add it.*

  The two stared at each other in the eye as flower petals fell. It was quite romantic. Yan xun was holding her by the waist and she held to his outer robe like her life depended on it. Her wet and clothes wet.

  Suddenly they were pulled out of their trance when Yan xun lost balance and they fell into the lake. Mei xing gave a scream. She glared at Yan xun as if she wanted to kill him.

  " pervert." She yelled.

  "Ahhh. Me?" He asked.

  "Yes you. Or is their any other man apart from you." She yelled.

  "Aiyo. For a woman you are pretty violent and wild. If I didn't know any better I would say you were raised by wolves." He said.

  "You.." she yelled as she lifted her hand to hit him. He caught her hand and spun her round holding her firmly by the waist.

  "Oy, stop hitting me you hear." He said. She struggled to get away from him. After a few minutes she finally got away from him. Giving him the best glare she could muster before hurrying to get dressed.

  After dressing and mounting on her horse she gave Yan xun one last glare and said "pervert." Before riding off. Yan xun laughed his heart out before mounting on his own horse and going off.

Author's note:
Finally I'm done with this. Updates will be according to schedule. Stay tuned thank you stay safe.
gōngzhǔ: Princess
shì: yes
Guiniang: miss/ lady

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