nineteen / epilogue

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it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. that's what jungkook thought when he signed the divorce papers, now finally being free from his psycho ex wife.

the only time he was truly happy in his life was when he was with you and he thought he would never be happy again in this life.

so he decided to bring another type of love into his life.

that's when he left the orphanage with a little girl holding onto his big hand, gingerly walking next to him.

"areum, are you hungry?" he asked the three year-old girl, his doe eyes sparkling with adoration looking down at the little human.

and when she responded an 'yes, daddy' with her wide chocolaty eyes and chuckled lightly, his life was finally coming to place again.

• • •

"yes, i will." jimin responded looking. directly into her eyes.

"therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss your bride!"

and he kissed her like his life depended on it.

"if you're going to hurt my sister anyhow, i'll cut your balls off." hoseok snapped, trying his best to be bold and manly in order to scare his best friend off. in reality, he was happy his sister was marrying his ex roommate and one of the people he trusted the most in the world.

jimin raised his pinky finger. "i promise, hobi. you have my word."

• • •

"sungchan, stop it!" seokjin's loud voice was heard from the other room by his wife.

"please, dad, let me go to the school trip!" his son begged, continuing what he was doing.

"and you think that i'll let you go if you massage my feet?" seokjin raised his brow, looking up at his handsome fourteen year old son. he takes after me, he thought.

"yeah! y/n noona told me you liked it. she said you have a foot fetish, whatever that means." sungchan said politely and his mom was trying her best not to laugh from across the room, hearing what her son just said. she loved you. you were a goddess in her eyes.

"STOP TOUCHING MY FEET, YOU ANNOYING BRAT!" jin wanted to choke you in that moment for making his son think he had a foot fetish or some shit. "FINE, JUST TAKE MY WALLET AND GO."

"thanks dad, you're the best." sungchan exclaimed happily, kissing his dad's cheek.

"and please tell my sister i want to talk to her." seokjin smiled wickedly, already thinking of a way to embarrass you.

nothing has changed over the years.

• • •

"fuck off, hyung! i can't believe you're making me do this!" hoseok whined and yoongi rolled his eyes.

"it's just a blind date, don't be a pussy." he booed him. "look at me, i met my wife by accident and now we have two kids together." he smiled, thinking about what was waiting for him when he'd arrive home.

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