Chapter 1

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~This is my first book so sorry if it is not to your liking also expect some spelling mistakes~
I wish that i could trust my own instincts on many thing and also if i trusted them i would not be were i was. but before i get to upset with that let me tell you the story from the begging. it all started when i was siting on my bed when i could hear is "this is were she lives" then i hear the doorbell ring "I'll get it" i yelled then there was a tall man at the door asking for Joy. oh ya did i mention my name is Joy any way back to the story. I had asked why but he said it was confidential so i said that i was Joy he said good and to meet him at 413 foster street if i wanted in to an art school. So i said ok. See you there tommarow. Before he left he gave me a business card with the time im suppose to be there 9:30a.m. so i go to sleep not knowing what the next day will bring. ~ sorry this is such a short chapter git to go to sleep~

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