Chapter 2

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So i wake up the clock flashes 9:25 OH No I'm going to be late so i run to the closet pull out a pair of jeans and a tank top then i ran into the bathroom brushed my teeth and my hair then put on my make up quickly i put on my clothes then run down stairs grab my sketch i did the other night and headed out the door my mom ran after me giving me my shoes i told her thanks then kept on running i did not put the shoes on till i git there cause my mom gave me high heels instead of my red runners so i put them on when i got there when i got to the street there was no 413 i was fooled all of a sudden a man grabs my arm pulls me in to the alley. i tried punching and screaming and kicking but he was two of me and looked like a football player so nothing works am i really going to die like this.

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