Part 4: Different

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Dean looks between you and Castiel, waiting for an answer.

"A war? Between you guys and Crowley? Did I hear that right?"

He takes a step forward. Cas nods his head and you walk and stand next to him.

"What did you find out?" you ask, ignoring Dean.

He takes another step forward. Cas looks at Sam and Dean, then back to you.

"Perhaps we should talk privately."

You look at Dean. His eyes are burning with anger.

"No! Whatever you have to say to (y/n), you can say to me," he says.

Cas looks at you, asking for permission. You lightly nod your head.

"Crowley stole something. I'm not sure what, but he's bragging about it."

Dean looks at you and takes another step, getting even closer. "

What do you mean 'war'? What the hell happened?"

You look at Dean and your face shows nothing. No fear, no anger, nothing.

"After Cas found me, they came."

"Who?" asks Sam, who's leaning against the dining room table.

You look at him.

"The demons. Crowley. They ambushed us, but we got away. Cas found the exit and we hauled ass. Or until Crowley got me."

Dean's eyes widen as you say that last part.

"He got you?" he says through clenched teeth.

You nod.

"Grabbed me and I blacked out. But I'm fine. I'm here aren't I?" you ask.

Dean looks at Cas.

"She was attacked?" he says, slightly louder.

"Dean, she was in purgatory! She was attacked multiple times!" says Cas, copying Deans tone.

"Yeah, but freaking Crowley-"

"I got her out, didn't I!?"

Dean and Cas are face to face. You take a step forward and walk between them.

"Enough," you say, quietly. Dean rubs his face and turns around.

"What could he have stolen?" you ask.

Cas shrugs his shoulders.

"It's still unclear to me. I don't know what he could have wanted."

You rattle your brain trying to think of what Crowley stole. At this point, you don't even care. You could care less what he stole, you just want to destroy the son of a bitch for attacking you. Lately, revenge has been sounding sweet.

"Where is he?" you ask.

Castiel looks up, confused.

"More than likely back in hell. Why?"

"I want to go to him. Or," you say as a better idea comes to you.

"I'll bring him to me."

Dean walks up and is shaking his head.

"No! No way in hell are you bringing Crowley here and no way are you going near him!"

"Dean, I need to do this! He stole something!" you say, but like you said, you didn't care about that.

"No! I'm not letting you get hurt!"

You turn to face Dean and laugh. You smile widely, revealing your tiny white fangs sliding down.

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