Chapter 2: Your First Year

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Over the years, Severus grew to love you and your childish needs. Although he never expected to become a father, he enjoyed your company. Soon you were old enough to attend Hogwarts. Severus dreaded this day but he was also excited for you. You ran into the room with your brand new robes and a smile spread across your lips. Severus set down his book to look at you. You twirled around giggling, Severus smiles

Y/N- I can't wait to go to school Severus!!

Severus- Neither can I

Y/N- I can't wait to make friends!!

You jumped around happily, twirling in your robes. Imagining how much fun school would be. Severus's smile then faded as he closed his book. You noticed and walked over

Y/N- what's wrong Severus?

Severus- nothing darling, let's get ready. We don't want to miss the train on your first day

Y/N- right! Let's go!

You took his hand. He smiled as you dragged him upstairs and into your room. The two of you packed your bags and made your way to the train. Since Severus was your father, you got to sit in the reserved section of the train that was for teachers and staff only. You plopped down on the seat next to him and began playing with your new wand

Severus- careful, you don't want to poke someone's eye out or accidentally turn them into a toadstool

Y/N- sorry Severus

You set your wand on the table and rolled it around. Severus was reading a book. You stood up and laid your head on his shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of what he was reading. He noticed

Y/N- what's your book about?

Severus- It's about what I'm going to teach you

Y/N- potions?

Severus- exactly

Y/N- I can't wait Severus!

Severus- get some rest darling, we've got a little while before we reach the school

You sat down and rested your head on his side, he wrapped his arm around you and covered your body with his cloak

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