Alan's guardian demon

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a/n sorry if this offence your race i know a few demons on here i mean know offence.

10 y/o Alan's pov

ever scince i was young well younger I have seen these eyes I wake up in the middle of the night I would call my brothers and they would tell me it was a dream. when i knew i was wide a wake when i saw them.

Alan's pov
present day

"You know i have seen those eyes in a while maybe there gone?" I thought to my self.
So i went around doing my oen thing till john called me to a space rescue and on that rescue I saw the eyes and a mouth I got so scared even one of the people I was rescuing a 10 year old girl saw them slightly relived that I wasn't the only one who saw them. then knew I had to help her next.

That night I saw the whole enterty who had been watching over me all these years it said it was a demon from the underworld that had been watching over me my whole life.

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