Bonus | Headcannons

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A.N: To make up for the holiday hiatus and semi-mediocre quality of the last oneshot here are some relationship headcannons. Hope you enjoy!


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Dazai - He would definitely enjoy headpats and when you play with his hair. Kind of gets irritable when you're busy with things and will be dramatic and start detailing a new suicide method to get your attention.


Chuuya - Would absolutely spoil you and get you anything you show mild interest in. You might not get lots of physical attention from him, but he compensates with random thoughtful gifts.


Akutagawa - Very possessive and rigid in public. He would talk loudly in sentences that regard you being his partner and try to be more intimidating to people who may steal glances at you. In private, he's a sucker for cuddles and melts in your arms, would never admit it though.


Ranpo - Loves your cooking and cherishes everything you make for him. Often comes home with random new snacks he found after work and coaxes you to try them all. A heavy sleeper after the two of you have had your fill.


Kunikida - Definitely a forgetful lover and is more often than not preoccupied with other things. He uses his ability to make random bouquets of flowers and gifts of such to apologize for his absent mindedness and you call him out on it everytime. Secretly enjoys when you find your way into his lap when he's busy doing work.


Mori - Will take you shopping on a whim just to see you try on different outfits. Enjoys seeing you in softer clothing although he won't express it unless it's your preferred style. Pays for everything and calls it his treat.


Atsushi - For sure a clingy lover. Will hold your hand a lot to confirm you're still there and randomly asks if you still love him even though the answer is the same everytime. Volunteers as big spoon almost always and tries to make sure you're comfortable.


Yosano - Convinces you to accompany her on her shopping trips even when you're busy doing something. Always treats you to something as a reward for complying and wont let you hold all the boxes or bags. Gets easily distracted but is very affectionate in public and private.


Gin - Puts lots of trust in you. You're the only person she lets see her with her hair down but still goes shy even though you expressed you think it's great multiple times. Random showers of affection here and there but gets cold feet in public.


Fukuzawa - You two definitely have a cat and or feed neighborhood strays on his off days. Got you a cat costume for Halloween a while ago but secretly wants you to wear the ears again during your "alone time". Lots of silent confirmation and affection, no unnessecary words out of him.


Tanizaki J. - Calls you all of the classic pet names and prioritizes your comfort over everything. Overindulges in shared activities and gets excited over things you've done a million times. Lends you his sweater when you're chilly.

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