Letters to J

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A/N: Hello JCats!! This is my first Union J fanfic, please let me know what you think! I haven't really seen a fanfic that's like this, so I'm hoping that it turns out well! If you like it, please fan, comment, and vote!

"Hi, I'm a eighteen year old girl, and I'm looking for an English penpal to write to! Let me know if you're interested. My email address is 8LaVieEstBelle8@hotmail.com"

Will I send it? I mean, sure, it would be great to have someone to write to, but what if it turns out to be an absolute creep?

God, Clarissa's right I am a wuss.

I hit the 'Send' button. I'm not a wuss.

'Dinner's ready!' Amy said, walking in.

I looked back at the screen, and saw that I had one new message.

'I'll be there in a minute.' I told Amy.

'Well, hurry up before Calli eats everything!' Amy grinned.

'Ok.' I smiled at Amy, then turned back to the computer. I clicked on the new message.

"Hey, I'm eighteen, I'm a boy, and I'd love to have a penpal! Please get back to me if you want to write to each other. My email address is HiMyNameIsJ@hotmail.com"

I opened a tab for hotmail, and typed out 

"To: HiMyNameIsJ@hotmail.com

Re: Penpals

Hey, I'd love to be penpals with you! I'm so glad you replied, I didn't think anyone would! I don't usually get to use the computer, so I decided to look for a penpal instead of an epal. Is there such a thing as an epal? I don't know. Anyway, thanks for replying, and I'd love to be penpals with you!"

I included my address, then sent the email. I logged off my account, then went to find Calli.

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