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I went to the hospital to see him.
The nurse took me to his room.


Here is the girl who saved you Vamsi

Swetcha: are you feeling now?

He started crying by seeing me


Thank you so much for saving me, I know thanks is a small word, I can never ever thank you enough for all what you actually did for saving my life. 
You gave me a second birth, I see my mother in you.

Though am not conscious, I remember your words spoked with an auto driver for saving me and I can imagine how much you might have struggled to save my life.


The moment he compared me with his mother, I felt so emotional.

Please don't thank me, moreover, you compared me with your mother, so there are no thanks between mother and a child.

Now it's too late, if you can give your family details I'll inform them and am sure they may be worried about you now.


Yes, my parents might be crying for me, please call this number ########## and inform them.


I called the number given by him and told the address of the hospital.

After some time his parents came to the hospital with so much of nervousness.

His parents shed tears by seeing him, I can imagine and clearly seen how much they are missing their child from the past few hours.

Sitara:(Vamsi's Mother)

Vamsi, I didn't imagine that I'll see you in this condition.
I can't see you like this my dear


Mom!! Am okay now, don't cry.

Anand( Vamsi's father):

Sitara control yourself, thank God that our Son is out of danger now.


Dad, we need to thank this kind girl Swetcha who saved my life.


Thank you so much Swetcha


Swetcha thank you very much, you had a very rich heart.

You didn't just saved our son's life, you saved all our happiness. We all owe you in our entire lives.


Uncle, please don't say like that. I didn't did much , it's a basic human duty.


Maybe you feel it as a little thing but for us it's a great thing Swetcha, Don't know whether we get a chance to repay your kindness?


Aunty it's not the time to talk about all these, cool down happily stay with your son and talk to him.

And now my responsibility is finished, I have to move Vamsi, take care of your self and of course your parents are there to take care of you.


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