Chapter Nineteen

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Really..swetcha you really love me!!


Yes Vishwa


Will you be with me forever in my life


Yes I will!!


Omy God! Can't believe this.
My heart transforms into the musical octaves of the magical flute.


Vishwa I can hear the tunes of your melody.
And Thank you swetcha,you took a right decision at right time.


Swathi.. I can't believe that you changed Swetcha's mind.How can you do this?
What about your love?


Adna, am okay now.My love is very less compared to Vishwa's love on Swetcha, he became mad when swetcha said 'No'.No matter with whom he is with,he's happy that is enough for me.Moreover, even if I say about my love their is no use.


I don't know what to say about your sacrifice.
Such a sweet girl you are!


I think you girls are in a serious discussions,what's going on?


Nothing Swetcha, we are just casual.
So tell me what's going on between you and Vishwa?
Is he Romantic?


Hey Swathi, even if he's romantic, Swetcha never says about it.
See she's blushing.




Hello what's happening, why are you troubling my swetcha.

Oh no, we don't even have a freedom to tease our friend.
What is this Bava(brother in law)
At least give her some time to spend with us.


Yes am with you Swathi..


I think I came in a wrong time, you people started teasing me now,am going bye.


That's how my days are going happily, but one thing is common i still think about Aditya, I couldn't delete Aditya and by the time he would have married Richa,maybe one or other day I wish I should totally forget about Aditya.
Days passed,I finished my masters and i started working for one of the companies. Vishwa and I decided to inform to our parents about our relationship.
Finally Vishwa told about us with his parents, as expected his parents didn't agree for that and Vishwa he tried a lot to convince them.At last they agreed for that and am looking for an opportunity to talk with my parents, actually am very scared to tell them.
Day by Day am postponing the matter and Vishwa is making all arrangements for our marriage,he's very confident about our marriage.

Apart from all these, Vishwa's mom came to America from India,it's a surprise visit of her. She came to our flat and after talking with her I came to know that she didn't like me to marry Vishwa.
But, for the sake of Vishwa, she's acting  as if she likes me.

One day Vishwa, his mother, Swathi and I went to a temple. We reached the temple and about to entire inside then I heard someone calling  Aditya and as expected I turned back to see who's. I saw a small kid who's name is Aditya,I just took him into my hands, gave him a chocolate and came back.
Obviously I saw abnormal expressions from Vishwa, thank god he came to normal after sometime but am still thinking how foolish am I? Am sure Vishwa felt bad about me.
While am thinking all these I saw my master's friend komali in the same temple.

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