Chapter Six-Kindness

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Days passed, months passed but my feelings on Aditya never faded way, I keep on asking Varun about Aditya whenever I meet him and I tried a lot to know his address but I couldn't.
I Started Questioning myself why I like Aditya? Is that infatuation on him? Or is something more than that? Does it works and so on?

Meanwhile, Within no time we got busy in preparing with our semester and I started deviating from Aditya's thoughts to prepare for my exams.
Temporarily I managed to deviate from his thoughts and tried very hard to focus on exams. Finally, I wrote my exams very well.

One Sunday after the exams my mother sent me to the supermarket to bring some groceries, I went on a bike to get them and I saw Varun on the road, I stopped the bike and ran to him.

Hello Varun!!


Hai Sister! How are you?


Am good how about you? where are you going


Am good too. I just came to grocery stores. By the way, I met Aditya Brother


Am with so much of curiosity and happiness I just shouted Is it?


Yes, Sister, I told him about you and thanked from your side.


What did he say?


He said welcome and told you to walk carefully on the roads.


Haha! That's it




Thankyou Varun, come sit on my bike I'll drop you.


That's okay sister, I'll go by walk


So it means you'll only take Aditya's lift


Haha! No, I'll take yours as well


I dropped him near his house and he invited me to come inside his house, so I went inside.

After sometime Varun's other friends whom I use to see in the bus stop along with him came and they greeted me.

Soon after some time some kids are physically challenged came to his house with a bag and they opened books from the bag.

Varun's friends went to them and started teaching them.

I was just surprised by seeing this, meanwhile, Varun who went to bring me the water came with a glass of water to me.

Did I ask him Varun, How come this?


Yes, Sister, these kids are round 4 to 7years old, though they are interested to study they couldn't come to the school daily because of some disability.
So, me and my friends just as a small help we use to teach them daily.


Varun, what's your age?


Am 10years old sister


Varun, am surprised to see all this and I don't know how you guys got to think like this at your young age.

You know what real success is not getting good earnings by your education it's when spreading your learnings to others. You people are truly inspirational and most appreciable.

Meanwhile, Varun's Mother came from outside.

Aunty! You are very lucky to have Varun as your son.

Varun's Mother:

Thank you, my dear! But that boy who inspired our children is the reason for this and all the appreciations goes to him.


Who's that boy?


It's Aditya Brother!




Yes, sister, Aditya brother who inspired us a lot by his words.
I still remember his words in my ears, He said-

If you  work hard, you make money, you do it for yourself that's not the life.,
You go out, you seek for the people who needs your help, you makes their lives better and when you realize that you have changed someone's life and because of you this person didn't give up, that's the day when you live ALWAYS.
He used to say Help does not mean in monetary.


I ended up with tears by the words and by seeing the live examples of Aditya's words.

I left Varun's House and went to my home.
I got inspired today, Yes the words are true and many of us think help in monetary terms, but it is not always which I can see from Varun's action.

Now no more waitings to meet Aditya, I should meet him.

To be continued.....


Treat people with kindness and spread humanity in you!!!!!!

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