27. Dare Or Drink

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Nobody's pov

"Morning' guys! Another nice morning ain't it?"

"Tommy, do me a favor and for the rest of this unbelievably short period of 30 minutes do not talk at all. Thank you"

"Nah, I ain't listening to you bitch. Go eat some baguettes and fuck off"

"Why does everyone think that French people are obsessed with baguettes? IT'S A FUCKING TYPE OF BREAD"

"Morning muffins. Vincent, Language. Why are you guys screaming?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"I'm actually worried about it."

"Why? Go make some muffins and shut up"

"I'm worried about it cause whenever there is one of you screaming, there will be trouble too"

"Nah, Imma go annoy Tubbo and Bee. See ya!"

"At least we won't have him here any longer"

"Good morning guys!" Jacob said walking in "Oh, bye Tommy" He said looking at Tommy running out of the room. "Where is he going?"

"To annoy somebody. The usual"

"Oh, yeah. I know"

"I'm bored as hell. What should we do today?"  Geo says walking in behind Jacob.

"We can play Monopoly!"  Nick said walking in, Clay and George behind him.

"Noooo we are not playing Monopoly."

"Oh come on Clay, it will be fun."

"It will also cause a lot of screaming and fighting and I have a headache. I don't need another one. Remember what happened the last time we played Monopoly? Let's play something else "

"Fine...I guess we can play something else"

"Ay, guys!"

"What do you want Tommy? I thought you were gonna annoy Tubbo and Bee"

"Oh, yeah, no I was. I met skeppy and Bbh on my way and decided to annoy them instead"


"Why not?"

"I mean, he ain't wrong"

"Where are they now?"

"I think I locked them in Skeppy's room. "

"You think?"

"They'll be fine"

"Why did you lock them in Skeppy's room?"

"ANYWAYS, why don't we stream today? Haven't done that in a while now have we?"

"He is not wrong. We have a long time to stream."

"Yeah, I am a genius!"

"Oh, I have a great idea!"


"Let's annoy the Blade"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"Oh shut up Cat number 2"

"I am not a cat, my mc skin is a tiger, you moron. And number 2? Who's number 1?"

"Blah, Blah nobody cares. I'm out. Oh, and cat number 1 is Antfrost" Tommy said leaving the room once again.

"We cannot let him stay here. Can we kick him out?"

"No, I am responsible and I don't want to get in trouble. Alright?" Wilbur said walking in from the kitchen.

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