14.This Manhunt Did Not Go Well

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Nobody's pov

It was morning and everyone was gathered in the kitchen eating breakfast.

" So, how are we doing this?" George asked.

" Well, me, you, Darryl, Nick, and Ant will have a camera. I will always have my phone on me with the tracker you made installed."

" You are actually doing this?" Jacob asked.

"Yes we are and it will be fun!"Nick answered him.

"So you guys will give me a small head start right?" Clay asked.

" Hm, I don't know, are we?"

"Yes, you are!"

"OK fine we will!"

" So it's currently 10:20 pm. We will start the stream at 11:00 at the park." George explains.

"Then we have to leave. It will take a while to set the cameras and some time to go there."

" Yeah, you're right. Let's go!"

" Bye guys"

They left and took Darryl's car. After 15 minutes they were at the park and were getting the cameras ready. They passed the cables and all that.

The park was kinda big and because there was no ender dragon for Clay to kill they gave him some objectives. They of course put boundaries so they wouldn't go far. The park was like the spawn point. Clays' objectives were to go to different places around town. They had placed some special flags Clay had to gather without the hunters tagging him. All the flags were 25 in total.

They had opened their cameras and they were ready to begin. They explained the rules and got in their places.

George, Nick, Darryl, and Ant were looking at Clay's movements.

"OK, are we starting now?" Clay asked getting ready to start running.

"Yes! You have 1 minute to go away! Starting Now!"

Clay runs away at full speed. He got out of the park and started running on the sidewalk. After he got 4 blocks away he checked his phone to see the location of the flags.

As it said there should be one in front of him.

Clay's pov

I look around for a flag but I don't see it anywhere. I walk around and I spot a flag with the word Manhunt written on it on top of a tree.

Of course, they didn't make it easy for me.

I start climbing on the tree and as I am up in the branches I grab the flag and start to get down.

As I do that though I hear a cracking sound. Suddenly I feel pain in my back and my legs. Well... The branch broke.

I get up and grab the flag I dropped earlier. I cannot waste any time.

As I start walking I see someone familiar at the sidewalk running towards me.

It was Ant. I start running away but Ant is faster than me. I go to the nearest side street hoping to make him lose me in the narrow alleys. I hid behind a parked car and I slowly back away.

When I am finally out of the alley I start running g the opposite direction.

Time skip

I have gathered 9 flags and I haven't seen, other than Ant that one time, nobody.

After I start walking around the place for the 10th flag I see all of them coming from a different direction towards me.

Well, I spoke too soon. I try to get away but Nick blocks my way.

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