Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right *16*

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*~* Octobers POV *~*

I laughed at Dazy's expression. "I can't believe you actually fell for it!" I said.

"Shut up!" Dazy said while glaring at me.

A little bit later I got bored and left to go for a walk. Humming along to Carolyn by Black Veil Brides, I realized I started walking to the park. Walking over to the swings, I sat down and watched a little boy sit on the slide, staring at the ground absently. Pulling out my headphones, I walked over to him and sat down. "You okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, not really."

"Whats wrong?"

"I don't like it at home." he said softly.

"Why not?" someone asked.

My head shot up at the familiar voice and saw Jayden sitting on the other side of the kid. "What are you doing here?"

"Like I said before, its a public place." he said with a bored expression.

I glared at him. "Are you stalking me?"

"What the hell makes you think I'm stalking you?"

"Hmm, well maybe the fact that you always end up where I am!" I said, raising my voice.

"Its not my fucking fault!" he shouted back.

The little boy between us covered his ears and tears started trickling down his cheeks. "Stop it! You two are fighting like mum and dad!" he said while shaking his head.

I stopped and felt a small pang in my chest. "Is that why you don't like it at home?" I asked.

He nodded and stared at the ground. "They said they wouldn't ever fight, but now they are and they wont stop. I hate it! I wish they'd just be nice again and wouldn't yell at me or Malissa."

"Who's Malissa?" Jayden asked.

"My little sister. They started fighting when she turned five."

"How old are you two now?" I asked.

"I'm ten and shes seven." he replied, never tearing his gaze from the ground.

I got up and stood in front of him. "Just forget about them for a little bit. Come on, I can help you sit on top of the monkey bars if you want."

He nodded with a small smile. "Ive never been on top of them before."

"Than today's gonna be your first day doing it." I wiped his tears away before carrying him to the monkey bars. After setting him on top, I climbed up with Jayden following.

"What are your names?" the boy asked.

"I'm Jayden, and that's October." Jayden answered.

"My names Michael." He paused before smacking his forehead. "I forgot! Mum says not to talk to strangers!"

I grinned at his reaction. "But were not strangers. We know each others names, so we know each other. If no one talked to strangers, we wouldn't be here."

"Adam and Eve would've had only the animals." Michael said. "Mum used to take me and Malissa to church when dad was gone..."

"Military?" Jayden asked.


"Was your dad in the army?"

"Oh, yeah, he was."

I watched Michael after exchanging a glance with Jayden. It must've been hard for him to have his dad leave a few times for a year each time. Especially when he and his sister were so young. "Do you know why your parents are fighting?"

Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now