Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right *28*

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xXxSilverTailxXx Here


*~* Dazy's P.O.V. *~*

I glared at Kyle. "Why do you have to be like that?!" I snap at him,

He looked apologetic but I turned and stalked off. People at the park were watching our little argument... He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. "I'm sorry Diz... I didn't think... I-I was angry with you..."

"Yeah uh-huh sure... So you go make-out with Trasha, yeah, that makes everything seem okay Kyle." I growl out sarcastically, He frowned at then let go.

"I think we need a break." I tell him as I walk away.

"Dazy... Don't- Don't do this!" He called out, his voice breaking. He ran towards me ready to grab onto me when the person I had called pulled up in front of me. "Dazy, Don't, Please." Kyle told me. I was breaking on the inside, pain was all I could feel.

"I'll talk to you later Kyle." I choke out. Danny, and Brian saw my tears and they hugged me tightly.

"Diz Bear, whats wrong?" Danny asks.

"I need a break from Kyle." I whimper.

"Make up with him, it'll only get worse, he might go out with Trisha." Brian says scrunching up his face.

I looked at him, tears down my face then to Kyle. "But he made out with her, already." I say, my voice cracking.

"Just tell him that you didn't know what you were saying..." Danny orders.

I frown at him. "For a gay guy, you're extremely bossy." I pout.

"I know." He says.

I sigh and turn to see Kyle with an emotionless mask talking to someone on the phone. I sigh again and go over to him, I hear Trasha's name and was about to turn around, feeling hurt hit me painfully when he must've heard me

"What Dazy?" His voice steely.

I turn to him, tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I-I wasn't thinking Ky Bear... Danny talked some sense into me, You know, For a gay guy, he's extremely bossy." I say laughing lightly, though it wasn't all bubbly, It was more of a forced laugh, Kyle looked at me intensely.

I tried masking my emotions but I couldn't, the hurt from betrayal to fresh.

"You know you make it extremely hard to stay med." Kyle says cracking a smile. I laugh and he hugs me. "We never broke up." Ky whispers in my ear.

I nod burying my face in his chest, Reminding me of his signature scent, Vanilla and Axe, I frowned at the axe scent but ignored it. "I wasn't thinking and now I feel bad!" I say out loud kinda feeling more then bad, more like stupid...

"Ummm... I don't know what to say, but that you mister, need to apologize to my little sister and that I need a thank-you." Danny says really loudly. I laugh and Kyle glares at him for ruining the moment.

"Fine, I'm sorry Baby, it made me feel sick to the core, when I had kissed her,and Thank-You Daniel." Kyle says sincerely.

I smile up at him and he kisses my nose. I shake my head and laugh. "We should go pick on Chrissy, Occy, and Jay." I sing out grabbing Kyle's hand and dragging him, I could hear people laughing but ignored it. I let go of his hand and ran back to the house, listening to him calling out my name.

"C'mon Kyle! I know you can catch me!" I shout bounding across the yard.

I was almost to the door when it swung open and nearly hit my face. I shrieked in fright and jumped back only to see Jayden standing there with a smirk on his face. "Arschloch." I spit at him, pushing past.

He was laughing and so was October.

"Hundin!" I shout accusingly at her, she shrugged and looking at Kyle angrily. "Whats up? Sie scheinen bei Kyle verrückt ... (Whats up? You seem mad at Kyle...)" I ask.

She looked at me for a second. "I saw him kiss Trisha Dazy." She growls.

"We, Had, an argument, we're over it already." I say.

She frowns and I just grab Kyles hand and tug him into Chris' office. "Chris, I need your computer." I say.

Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now