Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right *4*

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"Get the hell away from him!" one of the guys yelled at me.

I glared at a guy that tried pulling me away, so I kicked them and when he wouldn't let go. "Let me go." I growled before twisting his arm.

He shouted out in pain, before staring at me. "Let go!" he begged. "You're breaking my arm!"

I let go of his arm and watched as the six that were fighting stopped and stared at me. The two from earlier with brown hair looked half scared to death, but the one that got caught was glaring at me.


I snapped my gaze to see Kyle pushing through the crowd. "What?"

"Let's go." he hissed as the six went back to fighting.

"Why?" I asked as he grabbed my arm and led me away from them.

"October, you shouldn't be near them. You don't even know who they are!" he told me when we were out of earshot.

"I know their names." I told him while stubbornly pulling my arm away. "Aaron, Toby, and Jayden." Wow, I actually remembered his name.

"So? Knowing names mean nothing. If someone asked you out, would you say yes if you only knew their name?"

"Maybe." When he looked at me, I glared back at him. "It depends. Why does this involve those three dick heads?"

"They were part of a gang October. Aaron's gone to jail twice, and Jayden's almost been arrested twenty times. They were one of the most powerful gangs, and Jayden was the leader."

"So? I'd never join their stupid gang- I'd make a stronger and better one. Without getting caught."

"You get caught enough at school to prove you're not good enough yet."

"You said yet. I can change that."

"That's not the point!"

"Then what's your point?"

"They're too dangerous for you to be fighting. Jayden's been known for-" Kyle was cut off by a gun shot and a scream. "We need to go. Now."

I nodded and followed him to Christian's house before climbing through my window. "What about Jayden?" I asked after closing the window.

"He's been known for hiding weapons and using them in fights. That was his gun we heard go off, and there's probably gonna be more shootings if he keeps fighting there."

I looked at him, trying to figure out how he knew all of this. "How do you know what they've done and how they fight?"

Kyle ran a hand through his hair with a small sigh before saying, "I used to be one of the strongest fighters. I started the gang they're in right now... But Jayden beat me in a fight when we were fourteen, so I left and didn't want to go back."

Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now