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Draco was sitting in the common room with Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle. There was a party raging on around them. Draco tapped his fingers against the couch arm and took a sip of butter beer. Draco sighed. 

"You get another letter from you parents today?" Blaise asked. Draco nodded. "I tried to explain to them that I overheard her say it but they didn't understand. I'm expecting a howler tomorrow." Blaise scoffed. "I can see where they're coming from though, I mean C'mon." Blaise whispered. 

Theo nodded. "And they don't even know the information that we know." Theo whispered through a clenched jaw. Draco rolled his eyes. "You still haven't forgiven me for that? But you've forgiven her?" Draco shook his head as he chuckled. "It was her choice too, Knott and partly your fault for not showing her the love she needed." Blaise chuckled and nodded. "He's got a point. I mean how do you lose a woman?" 

Draco lifted his drink up. "You forget to cherish her." Theo glared at him. "You lost her too." Draco's head snapped towards him. "Not because I didn't care for her. I lost her for her safety." Theo shrugged. "That's not what I've heard." Draco scoffed. "And what have you heard and from who?" Theo looked up. "Magnolia," Draco's jaw clenched and it was Theo's turn to grin. "Did you forget that we've been hanging out lately? Looks like I got my wish." Theo whispered, implying him and Magnolia had done more than what they actually had done. 

Draco leaned forward. "She'd never. Not with you." Theo shrugged. "Why not? She did it with you after all." Draco's grip on his glass got tighter. "Shut up." Theo grinned. "She moaned my name the entire time and after she said it was the best sex she's ever had." Draco leaned into the couch. "Really?" 

Theo nodded and Draco grinned. "What's so funny?" Theo asked. Draco shrugged. "Oh nothing, it's just that Potter told me about that one time when she moaned my name while you two were making out." Theo froze. "What?" Draco nodded. "We couldn't stop laughing. We found it hilarious." 

Now it was Theo's jaw clenching. "At least I didn't break up with her." Draco laughed. "Which makes you even more of an idiot. She cheated on you and you still wanted to be with her. You're a love sick puppy." 

Blaise sighed. "We're getting away from the topic here! Does anyone know how far along she is?" The boys shook her head. "Nope but far alone enough to known the gender." Draco whispered. Blaise bit his lip. "I think there is a chance that it's yours, Malfoy." Blaise stated. 

Draco shrugged. "Maybe. I mean I asked her when I first found out and she denied it. Would she really lie about me being the father?" Draco asked. Theo and Blaise both nodded. "Yes." Draco sighed. "So this is like an actual thing. Should I talk to her?" Theo and Blaise shared a look. "I mean after what happened in Potions, maybe you should apologize but I wouldn't talk to her about it. I'd just wait to see if the baby pops out with blonde hair." Blaise stated. 

Draco nodded. "But what If it's mine and it comes out with red hair?" Blaise sighed. "Just wait and see if the child looks like you, Malfoy." Draco rubbed his forehead. "Yeah, yeah whatever," He took another sip of butter beer but Draco wanted to forget about Magnolia and he certainly wanted to forget about the baby growing inside of her. 

Draco stood up. "I need something stronger." Draco walked over to the drinks and poured a glass of fire whiskey. He turned around and took a sip his eyes falling on the perfect distraction, Astoria Greengrass. Draco grinned and walked over, smirking. 

"Hey." He whispered. Astoria turned towards him. She was dancing along to the music. Astoria saw him and stopped. She stood up straight and moved a strain of hair behind her ear. "Hey." She whispered. Draco looked around. "Why don't we go somewhere more...private." Astoria smirked and nodded. Draco reached his hand out and Astoria took it. Draco led her through the crowd towards his dorm. 

Magnolia laid in her bed. She had been craving Draco's pumpkin pasties every since Potions class earlier. She groaned and rolled onto her back. Magnolia laid her hand on her stomach. "You just can't give me a break can you, bean?" Magnolia felt a kick against her stomach and she smiled. "Alright, I forgive you." 

Magnolia heard a knock on the door to her left. "Come in." She called. The door opened and Fred peaked his head in. "Hey." He whispered. Magnolia gave him a small smile. "Hi." Fred sighed. "Um, I-I'm sorry. I overreacted and I shouldn't have. I can't force you to love me." Magnolia nodded. "It's fine. I forgive you. Come here," Magnolia motioned for him to walk over. 

Fred slowly stumbled over and sat down on the edge of Magnolia's bed. Magnolia sighed. "Come closer." She whispered. Fred schooched closer. Magnolia picked his hand up and placed it on the right side of Magnolia's stomach, the place she had been feeling the most kicks today. 

Fred furrowed his brows. Magnolia sighed. "She does this every time." Fred's brows softened. "She?" He choked out. Magnolia nodded. "Yeah. She. I'm having a little girl." Fred looked down at her stomach. He placed his other hand on the other side. 

"I'm guessing she's started kicking then?" Magnolia nodded. "Yes but she never wants to kick whenever I invite people to feel," Fred chuckled. "She mostly kicks when," Magnolia froze. "Holy Merlin's Balls." Fred's face scrunched up. "Magnolia, little ears." He whispered. 

Magnolia shook her head. "No, you don't understand. She only kicks when I'm being sarcastic or make a comment." Fred nodded. "So when you're being mean." Magnolia's jaw dropped. "I'm not being mean! I'm simply telling the truth." Fred nodded. "Being mean. Go ahead be mean. I want to feel it." 

Magnolia thought for a minute. "Did you read that stupid article about me? I swear Harry even manages to overshadow me in an article about me! And don't even get me started on how being famous has gotten to his brain. The other day he asked me if the baby had girl parts and boy parts original and the boy parts just fell off. He's a blithering idiot and should pick up a book." Fred beamed as he felt the kick against his palm. "So basically either your daughter is punishing you for being mean or she's going to be mean." 

Magnolia groaned and dropped her face into her hands. "She's punishing me. Constantly." Fred shook his head, his hands not leaving her stomach. "No you're just mean constantly." Magnolia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever." 

George peaked his head in from behind the door. "Can I bring it in now?" Fred nodded. "Oh, right yeah." Magnolia's head perked up. "Bring what in?" George pushed the door the rest of the way open. "We- Well I got you a present." George pushed a box in and looked up. "Excuse me but we both paid for this." 

Fred rolled his eyes. "Yeah but it's my I'm sorry present." George nodded. "Well I didn't need an I'm sorry present. Take that." Magnolia's eyes watered as she stood up. "You guys got me a crib?" George shrugged. "Actually it's a bassinet but who's keeping track." 

Fred rolled his eyes at his brother before turning to Magnolia. "Anyways, we'll also help you set it up but we can't tomorrow. We have a meeting with an investor." Tears spilled from Magnolia's eyes as she watered. "Thank you guys." She sobbed. Fred and George shared a look. 

"Mags, it's just a bassinet, don't cry." Magnolia wiped her eyes. "It's the stupid hormones and I love it and it's way easier than a crib." George blew air out through his teeth. "Actually, this bassinet is for besides your bed because we figured with you, half the time you wouldn't let the poor child out of your sight so you'll still need a crib but we'll help you build that too." 

Magnolia smiled and held her arms out. "Come hug the fat lady." Fred shook his head. "You're not fat." Magnolia looked down at her bump. "I'm fat, now hug the whale," Magnolia felt another kick. She looked down at her stomach. "Come on, I can't even be mean to myself?" 

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