Uh oh

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Hermione's hands were in her hair as she stood across from Ron. "We lost a pregnant woman!" She shouted. Ron nodded, his cheeks the same color as his hair. "How do you lost a pregnant woman!" Hermione was freaking out, pacing back and forth. Her hands never leaving her hair. 

"You forget to cherish her." Ron stated. Hermione stopped pacing and glared at him. "This is no time for jokes, Ronald. Malfoy is going to kill us. I mean where could she be this is Hogsmeade for gods sake and people just don't disappear out of thin air." Ron held his hands up. "Alright, hear me out. We don't speak a word of this until we absolutely have to. For now we'll look for Mags and when we have no luck finding her then we go to Draco and Harry. If we go now, they'll kill us." Hermione shook her head. "They'll kill us for losing her and then kill us a second time for not finding her sooner." 

Ron thought for a minute. "Maybe she just went to the bathroom. Pregnant women have to be a lot. I noticed that last Hogsmeade trip." Hermione shrugged. "It's a possibility." Ron nodded. "Alright, take a deep breath. Go check all the bathrooms and then if we don't find her we'll tell them." Hermione took a deep breath. "Good plan. Maybe you should tell them. You're an idiot they'll understand how you lost her." 

Ron's eyes widened. "Me? Why not you, little miss brightest witch of her age? They won't hurt you, you're a girl!" Hermione's lips pursed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "What's that suppose to mean! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean they won't hurt me," Hermione corrected. "It just means what ever they do to hurt me won't hurt me." Ron scoffed. "How will stunning hexes not hurt you." Hermione grinned. "Because once a month a bleed for seven days straight and my insides are tear each other apart while I continue to walk around, go to class, and deal with you and Harry's stupidity." 

Ron nodded. "Alright, you have a point," He paused. "Which is why you should do it." Hermione shook her head. "Just go look for her!" Hermione shouted. Ron nodded. "Right, we'll tell them together. Smart, Mione." Hermione glared at him and Ron threw his hands up. "Alright! I'm going." Ron and Hermione walked in separate directions. 

Ron and Hermione were staring at the floor as they stood in front of Harry. "You lost Magnolia." Harry whispered. Hermione nodded. "Unfortunately." Harry looked up at her. "How? You're the smartest person of our generation!" Hermione sighed. "I don't know, Har. We were just walking and talking and the next minute she was gone." Harry ran his hand down his face. "We have to tell Malfoy." Ron sighed. "I was afraid you'd say that." 

The trio walked down to Magnolia's dorm and Harry knocked. "Who the bloody hel-Come in!" Came an annoyed voice. Harry pulled the door open to see Draco sitting on the floor, trying to assemble a baby swing. "What is it Potter?" Draco sneered. 

Harry turned to Ron and Hermione. "Tell him what you told me." Draco immediately tensed and stood up seeing Ron and Hermione. "You're supposed to be in Hogsmeade with Magnolia!" He pointed at Ron. "And she told me she'd take you for protection." He moved his finger towards Hermione. 

"Tell him, Ron!" Hermione whispered harshly. "Me?" Hermione nodded. "I told Harry." Ron gulped and turned back towards Draco. "Well you see, Malfoy, it's a funny story really. Magnolia sort of disappeared into thin air." Draco's jaw clenched as he balled his fists. "You lost her?" 

Ron stepped behind Hermione. "Not per say. It's just that one minute she was walking with us and the next minute-""You lost my girlfriend!" Ron nodded. "Yeah, we sorta did but the last place we say her was Hogsmeade." Draco felt his chest tighten and he knew he was about to have a panic attack but he refused to. Draco leaned onto the couch. "One of you, bloody idiots go find Blaise, if you can even do that." 

Hermione noticed Draco's breathing get heavier. "Ron, Harry go find him." She knew Draco wouldn't want to either of them to see him like this. Ron and Harry nodded before leaving. "Malfoy just take deep breathes." Draco glared at Hermione. "Don't tell me what to do, Mudblood. Magnolia could be anywhere! She could be dead and it's all your fault!" Draco shouted as his heart started to pound. 

He lowered himself onto the couch and laid his head in his hands. "I know you don't mean th-""I do! I do bloody mean it!" Draco was standing now. "She is the only good thing in my life and it has always been that way. If I lost her, it is on you and Weasels' hands. There's no way around it! If I-If she's-" Draco had tried to hold the tears back. He shook his head and stared up at the ceiling. 

"I'm sure she's alright." Draco looked at Hermione with a stone cold stare. "For you and the gingers' sake you better hope she is!" Draco stormed out of the room, leaving Hermione in shock. She quickly collected herself and followed him out. 

Magnolia was in a dark room, little light poured out of the windows. The hand was still pressed to her mouth. "I am not going to hurt you," The voice was soft and posh. It sounded motherly. "I am going to remove my hand now and you are not going to scream, understand?" Magnolia nodded as her eyes watered. Fear had taken control of her body and she was frozen as her heart thumped loudly in it's cage. 

The hand pulled away and Magnolia made a run for the door. She reached the door and yanked all she could but it wouldn't budge. "I just want to talk, dear. Just a few minutes. I promise I would never hurt you or your child," The voice was familiar. "Let's get some light in here." The lights flicked on and Magnolia turned around. 

Narcissa Malfoy stood in the middle of the room with her wand pointed at the lights. "That's better," Narcissa looked over at Magnolia. "Would you like one tea, child?" Magnolia nodded. "Ye-yes please." Narcissa sighed and walked over to her. She placed her hands on her biceps. "I promise you I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk. Take a seat." Magnolia nodded and walked over. She sat down on the couch in the middle of the room. 

Narcissa walked through a doorway towards the corner of the room. Magnolia looked around the room she was in. There was a couch across from her with a coffee table in the middle. Magnolia noticed pictures on the wall. From where she was they looked like a young boy with an older woman. Some of the pictures were of just the boy and others were of three people. 

The walls were painted a soft grey and a bookshelf was off to the side. Magnolia pulled her coat closer to her. She knew the boys and Hermione would be worried about her but something told Magnolia she could trust Narcissa. 

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