Late Night Talks

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Magnolia laid in bed next to Draco. He he had his arms wrapped around her stomach. "Draco?" Magnolia whispered. "Hmmm?" Draco asked. His eyes were closed but he was wide away. "Why won't you call me baby mama? I figured it was just because it was immature but you said reasons the other day." Draco smiled and nuzzled his head into Magnolia's neck. "Because I'm sick of people referring to you as the pregnant lady and my baby mama, you're my girlfriend. It's not like I just got an interest in you because you're carrying my child. I've always loved you, I just love you even more now." Magnolia smiled. "Really?" She whispered. Draco nodded. "Now, go to sleep, love." 

Magnolia sighed. "I would but my back hurts too much to let me." Draco moved one of his hands to Magnolia's back and slightly massaged it. "Draco, what names do you like?" Magnolia whispered. Draco shrugged. "I'm not sure. I like Lily." Magnolia shook her head. "No, I don't want to name her after someone, maybe for her middle name but I don't want her to have to deal with having to live up to her namesake." Draco nodded. "Alright." He stopped to think for a moment. "How about Cassiopeia?" Magnolia whispered. Draco shook his head. "No. I don't want to name her after a constellation." Magnolia looked over her shoulder. "Why not? Isn't it a Malfoy tradition?" Draco nodded. "Yes but that's an old tradition, perhaps it's time for a new one. One that doesn't come from prejudiced, old, white men." Magnolia chuckled as she looked back over at the wall. "Alright, well what do you like?" 

Draco moved his hand on the middle of her stomach while his other hand continued to massage her. "What do you like? I'm not the one pushing her out of my vagina." Magnolia nodded. "You're right but I want you to name her." Draco's brows knitted together and he sat up. "Why's that, darling?" Magnolia moved her hand onto of his. "Because I owe it to you for lying to you." Draco shook his head. "No, you don't hav-""I want to besides you'll come up with something elegant and I'd probably name the kid something that could be mad into a pun." 

Draco chuckled. "Yeah, not happening." Draco whispered. Magnolia nodded. "Exactly, which is why you should do it." Draco thought for a minute. "How about....Anastasia Potter-Malfoy?" Magnolia shook her head. "No. Not Potter-Malfoy. I don't want her to be associated with the chosen one. She should have a chance to be great on her own, not with the help of Harry." Draco nodded. "Alright then Anastasia Lily Malfoy?" Magnolia thought for a minute. "Hmm, alright. What are your other ideas?" Draco thought for a minute. "I like Adelaide, Clara, Octavia, and Rosemary." Magnolia smiled. "I like Adelaide. Adelaide Lily Malfoy." Magnolia whispered, testing it on her tongue. Draco nodded. "It flows." He whispered. "That's what I want to name her. Adelaide." Magnolia smiled. "I like it." She whispered. "Now go to sleep. Don't let me keep you up." Draco pulled Magnolia closer to his body. "You're not. I'm staying up for you." Magnolia smiled and she felt a kick where Draco's hand was. 

"I can already tell she's going to be a daddy's girl." Draco nodded. "Yes, I can already tell you she's going to be spoilt rotten." Magnolia grinned. "Hmm, I figured but if we have a boy in a few years he better not have the audacity to come out looking like you." Draco smiled as he heard those words. "Another one in a few years?" He whispered. Magnolia shifted, trying to get comfortable. "Did I say that?" Draco nodded. "You did indeed, love." Magnolia nodded, closing her eyes, Draco's massage lulling her to sleep. "Perhaps, depends how the birth goes and how I feel in the next few years and if we're married." Draco nodded. "Then I better propose soon." Magnolia nodded. "You better." 

Magnolia had fallen asleep that night but not for long before she had woken up to pee. She had crawled back into bed after but failed to fall asleep. 

Dahlia had been visiting the next day and she was had left in a hurry because of a meeting with Dumbledore. Magnolia had gotten in the bathtub soon after she left. 

Draco noticed a letter on the couch where Dahlia was sitting. He picked it up and turned it over. He knew he shouldn't read it but curiosity got the better of him. 

Draco picked the letter up and opened it. 

Dear flower 

Unfortunately your mum found out about our little mission and she wasn't to happy and then I explained to her what you had found out. Although she is hesitant she wants to meet the twins, very badly.

Draco shifted and lowered onto the couch. His brows knitting together as he continued to read. Draco felt wrong reading it but he couldn't stop. 

Your mothers been worried sick about them lately as she's heard that the dark army has grown braver and stronger. She hopes that the war will be over soon and that you are safe. Remember you are to stay out of the war and to stay safe. We don't want to lose another child. 

Draco shook his head. "No, Draco. Stop this isn't right." Draco went to shut the letter until he say the signature. Draco froze as he stared at it. "Mags, I'll be back!" Draco shouted. "Hurry back! I don't want to go into labor while you're gone!" Draco sighed and dropped his arms to his side. "You won't go into labor while I'm gone!" Draco walked towards the door. "Alright if you say so!"

Draco rolled his eyes and walked out. He hurried down to Dumbledore's office and reached it just as Dahlia was walking out. She saw Draco and smiled. "Hi, Ma-""What the hell is this?" Draco had been neutral to the girl but she was about to see how mean he could truly get. "What?" She asked. Draco scoffed. "This!" He showed her the open letter. "You left this after your visit." 

Dahlia stared at the open letter in shock. "You had no business reading that." She whispered. Draco scoffed. "Really? I had no business reading it," Draco pulled the letter away from his face and looked down at it. He cleared his throat. "Magnolia sounds great and I can't wait to hear more about her but we'd also like to know more about Harry." Draco looked up at Dahlia and saw her face be a red. "Well America is very found of the chosen one. We know all about him-""Cut the bullshit!" Draco snapped. Dahlia's mouth clamped shut and Draco showed her the signature. "That is James Potter's name. Now what the hell are you doing writing a dead person that happens to be my girlfriend's dad?" A lump formed in Dahlia's throat as she stared at the older boy. 

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