Doctors Appointment

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Magnolia picked her purse up off the table. Fred smiled. "Ready to go?" Magnolia narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm ready to go. You're not coming." Fred tilted his head. "But don't you want someone to come with you and if Rita sees you alone it'll look suspicious." Magnolia bit her lip. 

"Fine, Let's go." Magnolia was wearing black jean shorts and a cropped baggy grey sweater. Magnolia walked downstairs to the store and pushed the front door open. Her and Fred walked down Diagon Alley and towards the exit. "So is it at St. Mungos?" Fred asked. Magnolia shook her head. "I set an appointment up with a muggle doctor, so no funny business." Fred threw his hands up in defense. "I would never." Magnolia shot a look at him. "Yeah, okay." 

Fred held his hand out. "Shall we apparate?" Magnolia nodded. She grabbed Fred's hand and the disappeared with a pop. They reappeared in a dark alley and Magnolia felt nauseous. "I'm gonna barf." Magnolia doubled over and Fred jumped back. "Oof, That uh-That-Did you have jelly slugs for breakfast?" Magnolia glared at him. Fred threw his hands up. "Sorry, sorry." 

Magnolia straightened. "Let's just go inside." They walked out of the alleyway and inside. Magnolia checked before sitting down in one of the plastic chairs and picking a magazine up. She started to skim through it as Fred bounced his leg. He turned to Magnolia. "So like what happens in there?" Magnolia smiled. "We'll get to see the baby." Fred smiled. "So I get to see my little niece or nephew." Fred reached over and placed his hand on Magnolia's stomach. She shot him a glare. "Remove your hand before I kill you." Fred pulled his hand away. "Why can't I touch your stomach?" Magnolia looked back down at the magazine. "Because you can touch it when I'm showing." Fred smiled. "What I'm hearing is I'll be able to touch it soon." Magnolia nodded. "Yes." 

Fred's smile grew as the waiting room's door open. "Magnolia Potter?" A nurse called out. Magnolia looked up. Her and Fred stood up and they shook the nurse's hand. "Hi. My names Olivia and we just going to head back and get started," They walked towards one of the examination rooms. "You two look young," Olivia held the exam's room door open. "How old are you guys?" Magnolia hopped onto the exam table. "I just turned sixteen and He's eighteen," Olivia looked Fred up and down. "He just turned eighteen in April." Magnolia pointed out. 

The nurse nodded. "Right, well I'll just start with a few questions. Do you have any history of miscarriages or stillborns in your family?" Magnolia shook her head. "No." Olivia scribbled something on the clipboard. "What is the date of conception?" Magnolia thought for a moment. "May twenty third. No the twenty second. Wait either the twenty third, twenty second, or twenty fourth." Fred stared at her in shock for a moment. The nurses eyes widened. "Okay so you're about ten weeks?" Magnolia nodded. "Yeah, just about." The nurse nodded. "Okay, I have some paperwork for the two of you to fill out while you wait for the doctor. He'll be in in just a minute." 

She handed Fred and Magnolia two separate clipboards and pens before walking out. Magnolia held her hand out for Fred's clipboard. Fred handed it to her and Magnolia filled both of them out. She finished and set them aside. 

The door opened and a man in a white coat walked in. He gave Magnolia a warm smile and she immediately raised her brow. The doctor was hot and young and hot. Magnolia shifted. "Hi, doctor?" He smiled. "I'm doctor Williams. You must be Magnolia." Magnolia nodded. "Mhmm, but most people call me Mags." The doctor sat on a stool. "So we'll just do the ultrasound, schedule your next appointment, and you'll be on your way," 

Dr. Williams rolled over and grabbed a tube of gel. "Okay just roll your shirt up. This will be a little cold," Magnolia pulled her shirt up and Dr. Williams squeezed the gel onto Magnolia's stomach. She hissed at the cold feeling. 

Dr. Williams grabbed the transducer and rolled it over her stomach. "There's the head and here's the feet." Magnolia stared at the black screen and her eyes teared up. Magnolia bit her lip. "Are you alright, Mags?" Fred whispered. Magnolia turned her head towards him. She nodded. "There's a baby inside me." Fred chuckled. "Yeah in that tiny little stomach." Magnolia looked down at her stomach and her tears started to fall. "And it's Draco's." She whispered. Fred took a deep breath and grabbed her hand. "Hey it's okay." He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. 

Dr. Williams looked between the two. "You're not the father?" He asked Fred. Fred shook his head. "Just emotional support. It's uh a complicated relationship." Dr. Williams nodded. He pressed a button and a small beating filled the room. 

Magnolia looked up and she started to cry harder. Dr. Williams chuckled. "It's a beautiful sound, isn't it?" Magnolia nodded. "It is," She reached up and wiped her eyes. Magnolia turned to Fred. "Is my mascara running?" Fred nodded. "Yeah." Fred reached over and wiped the mascara away. Magnolia turned her attention back to the doctor. "Could I get some pictures?" Dr. Williams nodded. "Of course." 

Dr. Williams stood up and walked out of the room. Magnolia turned to Fred. "There's a living breathing thing inside me and for some reason that just hit me. Like this is actually happening." Fred tilted his head. "Really? That didn't occur to you two weeks ago when you were squatting over a stick?" Magnolia playfully hit his chest. "No but then again I just say a little plus sign. I didn't see the baby or hear the heartbeat." Fred shrugged. "I guess that's understandable. So when are you going to talk to Dumbledore about school?" 

Magnolia sighed. "Well, Remus set up a dinner with me, Sirius, Harry, him, and Dumbledore so that should be fun." Fred nodded. "Have you talked to Sirius since you found out?" Magnolia shook her head. "No and I'm terrified. He's my godfather. He's the closest thing I have to a parent, next to Remus of course." Fred nodded. "Yeah." 

The door opened and Dr. Williams walked in. He handed pictures to Magnolia. "There you go. You'll need to have another appointment in a few weeks. You can schedule that up at the front desk." Magnolia wiped her stomach off and pulled her shirt down. "Thank you. Have a nice day." Magnolia handed him the clipboards and hoped down. "Thanks, you too." 

Magnolia rescheduled her appointment and her and Fred apparated home. They walked into their flat and jumped when they saw Molly sitting at the table. "I saw Fred was at the doctors office on the clock at home and I know he doesn't schedule appointments himself so I figured it was for the baby!" She stood up shaking her hands. "Mum!" Fred shot. Magnolia chuckled. "You're eighteen and you don't make your own doctors appointments?" Fred crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his lip out. "No. It's scary." 

Magnolia turned to Molly and nodded. "Yeah. It was for the baby." Molly squealed and pulled Magnolia into a hug. "Oh! Is everything alright? Is the baby healthy? Do you have pictures?" Magnolia smiled and nodded. "Mum, why don't you let the poor girl breath so she can get the pictures out." Molly nodded and pulled away. "Sorry, dear." Magnolia smiled. "It's fine." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the pictures. 

Molly's heart melted as she looked at the pictures. "Awe," Her eyes watered as she took the picture from Magnolia. "There's a little baby in there," She poked Magnolia's stomach. "Did you cry? I remember crying when I saw Bill's ultrasound." Fred nodded. "She was a mess." Magnolia shoved Fred. "Hey! I'm hormonal!" Fred nodded. "Got that right." Magnolia glared at him and he gave her a cheeky smile back. 

The UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora