The Final Decision

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 The doctor pushed the door open a crack. "Can I come in?" Harry nodded. The door opened widened and she pushed a machine inside and Draco sat up, tensing. "What's that?" The doctor chuckled. "It's a muggle machine. Don't worry it won't hurt her." The doctor pushed the machine over to Magnolia. "What does it do?" Draco asked. The doctor grinned. "You'll see." 

She unbuttoned Magnolia's hospital gown around her stomach and grabbed a bottle of some gel. She squeezed it onto Magnolia's stomach and switched the machine on. Draco watched it in curiosity as the doctor picked up the transducer and laid it on Magnolia's stomach. Draco watched as the screen turned grey and white. He tilted his head. "What's that?" He asked. 

Harry looked over at Draco with a raised brow. "Yeah, I'm the one who can't see what's in front of my face." He mumbled. The doctor chuckled and moved the transducer towards the top of Magnolia's stomach. "That is your baby's face." Draco tilted his head. "No," The doctor turned to him. "Excuse me?" Draco shook his head. "No, my-our child would be cuter than that, that's what the muggles call an alien." Harry burst out laughing as the doctor sighed. "Sir, I assure you the baby will not look like this when she comes out." Draco shrugged. "Okay, whatever. I don't see wh-" Draco was cut off by the sound of a small beating. 

Draco looked up. "What's that?" The doctor smiled. "Your baby's heart beat." Draco smiled as the sound filled the room. Tears welled up in his eyes. "That's beautiful." The doctor nodded. "It is isn't it?" Draco looked back at the screen as his smile widened. He suddenly felt a wave of anger as he thought about Bellatrix causing Magnolia almost giving birth. 

Draco kept his eyes trained on the screen and he watched as the baby squirmed. Draco looked down at his lap, his eyes widening. He rubbed his eye trying to stop himself from crying. "Ah, somethings in my eye." He lied Harry looked over at him with a raised brow. "Was something in your eye when I walked in earlier?" Harry asked. "Perhaps an eyelash? Dust maybe?" Draco glared at Harry. "This. This is why we're enemies." 

Harry shrugged. "I thought it was because I refused your handshake and you slept with my sister." Draco held his finger. "I slept with your sister way after we became enemies." Harry shook his head. "Four years. That's not way after and you didn't just sleep with her, you took her virginity and impregnanted her." Draco shook his head. "We were getting along so well." 

Harry shrugged. "Oh well. At least we didn't tear each others throats out." Draco shrugged. "It wouldn't have been a lost." He mumbled. Harry nodded. "You're right, just that I would be dead and there would be no one to stop Voldemort so that would leave your child in a world of suffering and damnation." Draco glared at Harry. "Don't bring her into this." Harry chuckled. "At least I've been here from the start. Tell me, Malfoy. Did you hold Mags hair back while she puked? Did you rub her feet? Did you go to doctor appointments? Did you wipe her tears while she was hormonal? No, I did because you weren't there." Draco scoffed. "Because she didn't tell me!" Harry nodded. "Oh yeah but look where that got her when she did. You didn't talk to her for a month!" 

Draco stood up. "Because I didn't know how to feel! I had asked her multiple times," Draco shook his head. "But she lied." Draco whispered. Harry shook his head. "How was she suppose to tell the truth when-""Will the two of you shut up!" 

Harry and Draco's heads snapped towards the door where they saw Hermione. The doctor looked up. "What are you doing back here?" Hermione sighed, her shoulders relaxing. "I was looking for the bathroom when I heard these two imbeciles," Her eyes flickered between Harry and Draco. "Fighting and it was obvious you weren't going to do anything about it. You realize she can hear everything you're saying, so listening to you two argue is most likely adding more stress," 

Hermione looked over at Draco. "It's a good thing you're here," She turned to Harry. "And you! I would expect better from you seeing as your sister is in a hospital bed. Now I'm going to go back to the others." 

Hermione went to leave. "Stay, we need a peace keeper." Harry mumbled. Draco nodded. "Oh yes, invite the little Mudblood." Hermione glared at Draco. "The baby can hear everything you're saying as well." That had gotten to Draco. He shrunk down and fell back into the chair. Draco mumbled something the rest of the people in the room couldn't hear. 

The doctor wiped Magnolia's stomach off. "Well, I'll leave you all alone. Come get me if she wakes up." Hermione nodded. "Will do," She walked over and sat down next to Harry. Hermione glanced over at Draco. 

"So, who called you?" Draco looked over at her. "No one. I came myself." Draco grabbed Magnolia's hand again and laid his head against the wall. Hermione raised her brow. "I don't believe that, Magnolia told me that-""Did she tell everyone?" Draco snapped. Hermione shook her head. "No, only the people who were concerned that she hadn't left her room in three weeks plus Remus and Sirius. I believe." Draco nodded. "I changed my mind, alright?" 

Hermione raised her brow. "Hmmm, alright." Draco crossed his leg over the other. "You don't believe me?" Hermione nodded. "I do. I just don't believe it'll last longer. I think you'll dip as soon as the baby's born. This is the easy part." Draco scoffed. "I don't think Magnolia told you everything." Hermione stared at him skeptically. "She tells me everything." Draco shook his head. "No, she tells me everything." He admitted. Hermione chuckled. "Like she told you about the baby?" Draco sighed. "alright she tells me everything but that." Hermione raised her brow. "Really?" 

Draco nodded. "Yep, like I know that the Dursleys were terrible to her. I know that the only other guy she's slept with is George. I know that at her wedding she wants lilies in honor of her mother.  I know that a wookie is her spirit animal, whatever that means," Draco grinned. "And I know who you like, Granger, and many, many other things." Hermione stared at him in shock. 

Harry raised his brow. "What else do you know?" Draco looked at him and nodded. "Yes, she told me about that too." Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks tinted red. "Uh, um. I don't like that person." Draco nodded. "Hmmm, but Magnolia just happened to walk in on you-""Don't finish that." Draco grinned. "Long story short, Granger, me and Magnolia tell each other everything." 

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