So...I found a random Pose Generator

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Yup. You heard me right. I found a website that randomly generates poses.

So, of course, I took the liberty to draw random characters in the poses it generates!

I only have one done so far. But, here you go! (I still need to think of a name for her, but i might use her as a side character in a future series- let me know what you think, or if you have any name ideas!)

 But, here you go! (I still need to think of a name for her, but i might use her as a side character in a future series- let me know what you think, or if you have any name ideas!)

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yes, she's wearing socks, but no shoes. I didn't know what to draw show-wise.

Also let me know what you think her powers are? Because honestly, I have no idea myself.

Thanks for taking a look, and see you soon!

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