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I made this a while ago, but I waited to post it for some certain reason I'm not gonna specify

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I made this a while ago, but I waited to post it for some certain reason I'm not gonna specify.

But here's some crazy deja vu or whatever for your souls to consume! Ok, so, like, however many years ago, like, when I was a real little kid. Maybe, like, 7 years old or something, I used a stencil to draw a dragon. And then I colored said dragon, and wrote a 'Happy Father's Day' note on the back, since it was for my dad for Father's Day. Well, when i showed my parents this specific drawing right up here, my dad got out that old dragon stencil drawing and showed it to me and oh my word-

Like, I'd basically forgotten about the existence of that drawing, and all the colors and what it even looked like, and- ok hang on let me show you it-

Like, I'd basically forgotten about the existence of that drawing, and all the colors and what it even looked like, and- ok hang on let me show you it-

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(Sorry for the bad lighting)

Like- holy heck! What are the chances of them both being a mix of green, blue, and red?! I don't know. I guess just maybe my brain thinks of green, blue, and red as the palette when making a dragon? But whatever the case, that's so weird in my opinion. Especially when both dragons are tropical-themed as well.

Well, that's all for now! Bye everyone!

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